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Soviet T-30S Light Tank

HobbyBoss | Нет. 83824 | 1:35

Boxart T-30S Light Tank 83824 HobbyBoss


Soviet T-30S Light Tank
Полный набор
2014 Новая разработка
6939319238245 (EAN)
T-30 » Танки (Транспортные средства)



SU Красная армия (Soviet Red Army 1918-1946)

Содержимое коробки

Пластиковый литник, Фототравление, Стержень, Декаль (водная), Металл

Боксарт разработан Vincent Wai

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(Military Modelcraft International Volume 25 Issue 09)


Ron Garcia
Pretty fast build for a Hobby Boss tank kit. WAY too much PE for a kit this size. There is a panel on the right side of the tank that looks to be raised. There are a bunch of PE pieces that look like they are supposed to support it. The problem is that the instructions show how to put it together from the left side leaving me to guess where some of the PE went. I decided to use the metal barrel even though I liked the look of the second barrel choice better. I looked at the T-40 in my stash since it's basically the same kit and saw that the only choice for a barrel is the second one. That sealed my decision. The only thing I left off was the towing cable. Way too complicated. Hobby Boss wants you to fold a copper wire in half (provided), wrap two tiny PE straps (no fold lines on the pieces) around it near the top and bottom to hold it together, then fold the two ends back on themselves to form the ends of the tow cable, and finally wrap two more tiny PE pieces to complete the loop. Since the cable doesn't drape over anything, this should have been rendered in plastic. Over engineered big time! Because of all the tiny PE, I'd recommend this kit for experienced modelers only.
17 July 2019, 18:04
The Old Tanker
This is a kit that I'm interested in, so thanks for the heads up! I'm sure I will get one for the stash. The build photo that you posted looks GREAT.
 17 July 2019, 18:09
Ron Garcia Автор
Had to delete the image. It keeps loading upside down and I don't know how to flip it.
 17 July 2019, 18:19
Ron Garcia Автор
Sorry, Old Tanker, I never properly thank you for your comment, so thanks! If you don't already own it, you might want to opt for the T-40 instead. Apparently this tank was just a prototype for the T-40. One other tip: If you put the tracks on and drape them over the running gear for sag, if you connect the ends hoping to slide it off and paint them separately, you'll run into problems. The guide teeth are too long and they'll prevent you from slipping them over the idler wheels because of the fender above. I lucked out and got them off because they were still a little flexible when I removed them. After the glue had fully cured, I had a heck of a time getting them back on. I broke off one of the idler wheels in the attempt. For the T-40, I'll just tack the last idler wheel in place while the track sag sets and then remove it. The fender doesn't interfere with the other two idler wheels so those can be glued in place.
 19 July 2019, 02:49
The Old Tanker
Thanks for the tips on the tracks Ron. I'll take your recommendation for the kit, and add the T-40 to my wish list. I have a couple of the MiniArt T-70 series kits, so I know just how small those links can be! Cheers!
 19 July 2019, 03:42


3 изображения
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T-40View album, image #1
Проект: T-40 Light Tank
1:35 T-30S Light Tank (HobbyBoss 83824)
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Проект: T-30 S 1:35 Hoby Boss
1:35 T-30S Light Tank (HobbyBoss 83824)


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