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Staff Car Type 82E with full interior Rye Field Model (RFM) 1:35
2019 Instrumentul nou Descarca 6314Kb (.pdf)
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Recenzie în cutiePanzer Modell
Revizuire Modellbau-KoenigComentarii
Jan PetersI hope they have corrected the wrong representation of the petrol tank under the hood.
29 November 2023, 06:18
Dan ReedIt looks not. The 87 should be a 4x4 but this kit appears to give the same parts as their 82E.
5 December 2023, 15:24
Jan PetersTwo missed features...
5 December 2023, 17:24
Dan ReedBut the 82E builds nice, except the doors.
6 December 2023, 15:42
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