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RevisioneWettringer Modellbauforum
Revisione Modelkit BeginnerTutte le recensioni » (4 in totale)
JvFabulous model of a beautiful car
I most get a few of them in my stash
3 August 2022, 14:21
Haitham AliHadn't made any models since my childhood, then found a brand new one of these in a cupboard at home, got me back on!!
13 August 2013, 14:34
Holger KranichSo welcome back to the world of modeling!🙂
13 August 2013, 14:45

Porsche 959Tamiya 1:24
da Markus Salminen su Pienoismallit
Tutti gli articoli » (4 in totale)
Materiale di riferimento

Porsche 959 Classics - Performance - Racing The Encyclopedia of SuperCars N. 3