Nem tudjuk, hogy mi van-e a dobozon belüli értékelés Huey Chopper (#5202) tól től Monogram.
Charles Jones Got this a few weeks ago from . The plan is to add the M-21 system and a 540 rotor blade to make an HH-1K from HAL-5. I need to find the GAU-2B/A miniguns and black decals for the NAVY, BUNO, and Star and Bar. I spent almost 3 years as an AO3 with the Bluehawks and helped with the first restoration of NW307 at NAWS China Lake. Once I get this started I'll start posting pics.
Charles Jones Yes, I may be getting that one for the stenciling. I'm going to have to get a Hog kit and rob it for the M-21 system, it looks like the hard part is going to be finding the miniguns. If I can't then the LAU-3's will come off the pylons as we flew with just the weapon mounts. Fortunately I found some pics I took around 86 of the mounts and I think I can make the M60 Kline mounts.
When this popped up for sale it was before my payday and I was biting my nails hoping that no one would notice it before I could grab it for myself. Even though my wife told me to cool it for a while with the models she understood why I got it when I told her how rare it is.