John Van KootenYeah, they are really great books, all of them 👍
I am continuously working on extending my WWII Allied ground forces library since it is not as extensive as my WWII German related library. I need much more (technical) informational books on especially British / Canadian armor.
Much harder to find good books on Allied (non-US) armor unfortunately. Sherman books aplenty but, f.i., British & Canadian gun tractors... ?? I can't find a single book that has the (technical) info I am seeking. Yeah, a couple of walk around / pictures books and one or two pages of "highly detailed" 🤔 information in books on artillery guns. But that's about it 🙁
So anyway, with the Hunnicut book on the M26 I am going to see how I can model an accurate WWII T26E3 and T26E4 version. If push comes to shove, I will 3D model and 3D print the parts that are either missing or incorrect 🙂 which is where the importance of proper technical information comes in; measurements and exact layout of parts, etc.
28 October 2015, 06:00