Leopard 2A4 Marksman
15 30 May 2023, 18:09
Peter de Bruin
Following! Looking forward to the printing results. It'll be a pretty thin wire under the barrel.
Following! Looking forward to the printing results. It'll be a pretty thin wire under the barrel.
7 June 2023, 05:53
Bart Goesaert
Thx for interest. Rear tow hooks are shown mounted upside down in the instructions, these are corrected, also the track has been lengthened and side skirts cleaned
Thx for interest. Rear tow hooks are shown mounted upside down in the instructions, these are corrected, also the track has been lengthened and side skirts cleaned
7 June 2023, 22:27
Bart Goesaert
Pictures of the first print of the barrels has been sent, looks promising
Pictures of the first print of the barrels has been sent, looks promising
11 June 2023, 17:47
Looks quite nice and I like the addition of self-made 3D-printed parts - following.
Looks quite nice and I like the addition of self-made 3D-printed parts - following.
1 July 2023, 10:39