Proof of concept
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I found these Nano-RC helicopters on eBay for around $11USD so I bought one to check the sizing. This album shows the breakdown of the RC helo and fitting of kit props. While much of the body can be unscrewed, I had to cut a little bit more of the body around the motor-gearbox unit so it fits nicely inside the Tu-95 nacelles. I had to only make slight modifications to the kit parts to get them to fit onto the helicopter shafts. I later discovered the top rotor piece is removable so next time I won't have to modify the inner Bear propeller at all. The positioning on the shaft will need a little tweaking to get more space between the motor-gearbox unit and the propellers but otherwise its looking good. The props turn in the opposite direction so I simply will reverse the battery polarity to fix that. On the model I will remove the circuit board and wire the motors directly up to a battery box and switch.