Citroën 2CV Charleston WIP
June 17, 2019Little engine that could2
June 17, 2019Chassis with suspension3
June 17, 2019Dashboard4
June 19, 2019Battery and air filter?5
June 19, 2019Workable steering6
June 19, 2019Some sanding on the wheel wells7
June 26, 2019Not quite opaque8
June 26, 20199
June 29, 2019A bit more WOW in the pink10
June 29, 201911
June 29, 201912
June 29, 201913
July 3, 2019Daniel Klink did this! He hexed my build 😉14
July 4, 2019A decal is supposed to go on the clear part, depicting mesh....15
July 4, 2019I've been at this stage before.....16
July 4, 2019Cut out the clear part, glued it in place and cut out some 'real' mesh17
July 4, 2019Black primer18
July 4, 2019More black primer19
July 5, 201920
July 5, 201921
July 5, 201922
July 5, 2019Paint it black!23
July 5, 2019A bit of pink came loose24
July 5, 201925
July 5, 201926
July 5, 201927
July 5, 201928
July 5, 2019Mock up with the hood and rear window frame on29
July 5, 201930
July 5, 201931
July 5, 201932
July 13, 2019Steel on the black engine33
July 13, 2019Wash on the seats34
July 13, 201935
July 13, 201936
July 13, 201937
July 13, 201938
July 13, 201939
August 6, 2019Engine & fan done40
August 6, 2019Engine mounted to chassis41
August 6, 2019Front wheel wells in place42
August 6, 2019Take a seat!43
August 6, 2019Getting ready for a polish44
August 6, 2019I let the polish dry overnight 🙁45
August 6, 2019Alclad Chrome painted46
August 6, 2019The logo looks good in the grille47
August 6, 2019Inside & outside of the wheels48
August 6, 2019Chrome hubcaps added49
August 6, 2019The dash. The milky blob on the left is some clear over the speedo50
August 6, 2019Some bit s & pieces with decals51
August 6, 2019The curve looks good.52
August 6, 2019The very LAST decal wrinkled up on me. Beyond repair53
August 6, 2019So I went into Kerry Cox mode, and bought another kit. Borrowed the decal. The other kit will become....something54
August 6, 2019Some collateral damage from entering the store 🙂55
August 7, 2019Some BMF56
August 7, 201957
August 7, 201958
August 7, 201959
August 7, 201960
August 7, 201961
August 7, 201962
August 9, 2019Polishing63
August 9, 2019Getting close
17 February 2025, 15:31 -