Heinkel He 100A-O Block II GP+AI
3 17 January 2014, 21:55
Love the detail work here.Whenever I try doing any intricate work like this I just end up gluing my fingers together 🙂
17 January 2014, 23:30
ein wirklicher Renner 👍 irgenwann werde ich mich dem Spachtelwunder auch mal hingeben
tolle Arbeit , gefällt mir schon ohne Lackierung ausgenommen gut 👍
18 January 2014, 02:41
Looks great. Cockpit nicely done and steady hands with the rescribing! look forward to more photos.
18 January 2014, 04:40
The cockpit have you really revived by all those additions of scratchbuild details, it looks very promising Dirk and I?m looking forward to see the next photos appear, greatjob so far 👍
18 January 2014, 08:05
Hallo Dirk! Hab ja schon länger nichts mehr von Dir gehört bzw. gelesen. Hast Du eine Kunstpause eingelegt? Dafür ist das neue Projekt wieder ein echter Heyer. Super detailliertes, bemaltes und gealtertes Cockpit - so wie wir es von Dir gewohnt sind. Gefällt mir sehr gut.
18 January 2014, 10:17
@all Thx for your nice comments.
@Stefan Fraundorfer
Yes, I did a brake, because of big troubles with my computer. Couldn't boot.
But I didn' t brake modelling plastic models and painting figures.
Can't exist without my Hobby. 🙂
18 January 2014, 10:31
Sharp and clean as usual Dirk. I most like the fine painting and weathering at the cockpit! Cheers, Christian
31 January 2014, 18:32
Thank you mates! 🙂
This weekend I`ll start to give her the soul! Starting today with painting the cooling surfaces in Airframe Aluminium from Alclad.
Greetz Dirk
1 February 2014, 12:41
All cooling surface panels are finished with Airframe Alu with irregular light accents of Pale Burnt Metal, Hotmetal Violet and Hotmetal Blue.
The lower surface is painted with JPS RLM 65, and later weathered with AK Interactive Washes.
I`ve masked the cooling surface panels with Parafilm M. A low tack and very flexible laboratory film. It needs only a cutting to proper shape and it is an easy task to remove it with a simple eraser without any problems.
17 February 2014, 22:10
Great work, Dirk, as usual! Is this the fighter that was used for propaganda, and eventually a few were sent to the Russians and Japanese? Or was that the 112...I'm afraid I don't know my Luftwaffe history very well. Excellent work in the cockpit and the riveting is superb. Can't wait to see this finished! 👍
18 February 2014, 03:22
Endlich mal wieder was von Dir, Dirk!😄
Damn fkn sxy work! I love what i see, especially the old bottles from Jens Popp!🙂😄
18 February 2014, 07:40
Thx mates! 🙂
@ Bill
Yes it is!
Two aircraft of this type were supplied to Japan and ten of this nice type to Russia.
I want to show aircraft A-0 of Batch II, an aircraft showing all her cooling surface panels although in camouflage finish.
@ Holger
I`ve a big stash of JP`s colour range. I`m happy to have them as he didn` t produce his authentic colours no longer.
18 February 2014, 08:02
Its such a pitty that there is no JPS anymore...
I love his paints... But slowly my stash is reducing... But i know a retailer who still has some in his stock😢!
18 February 2014, 08:26
Oh Jesus, Dirk... This is indeed the perfect kit for you, if you want to do some scratchwork... How to seperate the small parts from the sprue? Are you doing it by prayers or just make them all scratch? Just had a look at the review on MV and it indeed looks as the gear is a bit long, isnt it?
Oh, i´m relly looking forward your completition of this wonderful aircraft!😄
18 February 2014, 08:50
Great stuff!.... I see you also use parafilm....I always take Some from the lab at work 😉
18 February 2014, 12:16
Yep, I love this paints too. Years ago I spend some hours with Jens at his home and we were talking about camo shemes, comparing colours with the Federal Standart Colors 595B card, barbecue and trinking beer! Yeah, it was a creative nice time!
And yep, this kit is an eldorado for scratch building. All smaller parts like Undercarriage, Cockpit, oil cooler, etc. are scratch built. There is no chance to use the kitparts without conflict. 🙂
And no, the undercarriage is absolutely perfect in shape.
See picture No. 20 of my album. I don`t know why Jörg Bonstedt was writing this hypothesis as he never compared the kitparts with any scale drawings? His hypothesis is wrong!
@ Wim
Think I have enough Parafilm for my life. I was standing beside me as I ordered this 125 feet roll 🙂 Now I try to mask all what I see with Parafilm. My car, Neighbour dog, trees...... 😄
18 February 2014, 13:39
Seems as i need some scale drawings of this wonderful aircraft!😄
18 February 2014, 14:06
You will find this scale drawings in the famous magazine Jet & Prop No.4 and 5, 1998.
Feel free and tell me if you need`em.
I owe you !!!!
18 February 2014, 14:22
You owe me nothing, but when i get my hands on such a kit, i feel free to contact you!😢
18 February 2014, 14:35
Nice progress. Hope to see you and some of your nice work in Heiden next month!
18 February 2014, 20:20
@ Holger
🙂 👍
@ Christian
Sadly not this year! Time restrictions and the expensive gasoline leads to these steps. I`ll participate only on four exhibitions this year. Hope we will meet us soon again.
@ JIP and Oliver and all other mates
Thx for your nice comments! 🙂
20 February 2014, 15:17
@ Aghis
Thx Aghis! 🙂
For my He 100 display I have built some additional items. Two wheelchocks, a fire extinguisher and a towing cart.
The towing cart is called "Heuschrecke" and was produced in 1930 by Fa. Müller in Berlin. There was two types of different tailwheel pressure. I`ve scratch built the one with 500 kg pressure.
21 February 2014, 18:43
Sad news, but looking forward to the Siegen Show😢 Amazing job on the towing cart! Cheers, Christian
21 February 2014, 19:54
The fire extinguisher and the towing cart are great. Painting and weathering is very nice.
21 February 2014, 21:19
Toll gemacht Dirk. Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt was für Vorlagen zum Scratchbau du immer wieder ausgräbst.
21 February 2014, 21:28
Danke Lemmy 🙂
Ich habe die Heuschrecke aus diesem Buch hier:
Allerdings wurde es vor 25 Jahren noch für einen Spottpreis verschleudert! :/
21 February 2014, 21:30
Great scratch work Dirk, looking forward to the next steps!
Greetz, Phil
22 February 2014, 09:26
Interesting book Dirk....found a lot of used copies online for just a few euros...ordered one right away...thanks for the link!
24 February 2014, 09:43
Yes Dirk your scratchbulid trolley is very nice and your fire extinguisher as. Superb work.
24 February 2014, 09:58
Klasse gemacht: Dein Still ist unverkennbar, Dirk. Das Wägelchen sieht aus wie echt, ungeachtet des neutralen Untergrundes. Ich freue mich auf die endgültigen Bilder.
24 February 2014, 11:41
@ Wim
Hope you will find something of interest. The book is indeed a cornucopia.
@ Mates
Thx for your kind words.
Next pictures will follow soon.
24 February 2014, 15:03
She is ready for inspection and final preflight tests are done.
I hope you will like her shape as I do.
9 March 2014, 21:26
Superb craftsmanship as always, Dirk! I've always fancied this aircraft ever since I saw the full-scale replica at Planes of Fame. Now I have a nice instructional manual right here, just in case I buy this kit! Thank you! 👍
9 March 2014, 23:45
Gratuliere , ich würde sagen , bei der Basis hast Du den Anspruch auf" Modell des Jahres " auf deiner Seite 👍 Hammer Details , gefällt mir durch und durch, und ich finde , gleich wie oft ich die Bilder schaue , immer wieder Neues , einfach Hammer 👍
10 March 2014, 08:20
Dirk, was soll ich noch sagen? Jegliche Lobpreisung aus meinem Munde wäre nur ein Hohn und viel zu wenig um meiner Begeisterung Ausdruck zu verleihen...
Ausser vllt das dass die geilste He-100 ist, die ich je gebastelt gesehen habe...
10 March 2014, 09:43
Awesome build!!
Paint work, building, detailing and scratch are terrific!!
10 March 2014, 12:32
I missed this one!!!...
How I don't know🤔
But Dirk it's an excellent build, very well done👍
10 March 2014, 13:05
Beautiful work Dirk, you've did a wonderful job on the waethering 👍
10 March 2014, 16:36
Hi Dirk! Da hast Du wieder mal das absolute Maximum herausgeholt und bewiesen, dass Du zu den besten Modellbauern zählst.
10 March 2014, 16:55
Hallo Dirk!
Sieht super aus! Auch die Präsentation ist klasse! Du hast es wirklich drauf!
10 March 2014, 19:09
One word only Dirk. Superb!!!! The painting and the weathering are really terrific. Hope I can see it in Moveleo in May.
10 March 2014, 19:18
Hi Dirk,sehr gute Arbeit , aus diesem schlechtem Bausatz so ein Modell auf die Räder zu stellen,Respekt !
10 March 2014, 19:36
Das ist mal wieder vom Feinsten! 👍👍👍
p.s. Weißwandreifen sind auch bei Flugzeugen cool.😎
12 March 2014, 20:52
Immer wieder große Freude, neue Details zu entdecken! 1++. Hoffe auf eine ausführliche Inspektion in 2 Wochen.
13 March 2014, 20:54
Album info
Despite it is an old kit, and the third one from HiPM, the kit provides some nice details.
It is one of the finest performances of aircraft design ever done in the thirtees!