Gabor Szabo Actually I made the kit. This issue is extremely rare as I intended to make only 25 but actualy made only 12 from it before the masters were bought by SBS Model. They modified the kit in some respect (ie. my have one piece wing their kit's wing consist of two pieces ect.). If You have one, that is a rarity because I won't make new copies. I made her sister aeroplane "La Fregate" also but I made ony three from that. I heard that SBS will issue La Fregate also this year.
1 February 2014, 16:14
Adrien Congratulations for this! This is a beautiful subject, and your build is great. Would you post pictures of your "La Frégate" ?
1 February 2014, 19:35
Gabor Szabo作者 Hi! The La Frégate actually isn't built, there's still in the box😉 I think worth wait for the SBS issue: they make a bettered decal, photo etch fret and resin canopy - huge improvement altogether (but I think my Hyspano engine is a bit still better😉 )
1 February 2014, 20:09
Gabor Szabo作者 Oh, and thank You for the kind comment! 🙂