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F-16 'Thunderbirds'

F-16 A or C

MisterCraft | 货号: G-35 | 1:48

Boxart F-16 'Thunderbirds' G-35 MisterCraft


F-16 'Thunderbirds' F-16 A or C
G-35 (也列为 G35|070354)
199x 新的盒子
5903852070359 (EAN)
General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon » 喷气机 (飞机)


General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon

General Dynamics F-16A Block 15C Fighting Falcon
US US Air Force (1947-now)


注塑口 (Light gray), 注塑口 (Clear), 水贴 (Multi-colored)

453x282x62 mm (17.8x11.1x2.4 inch)

封绘设计者: Adam Marciniak

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Shanghai Dragon
Hobby Park
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我们并没有任何关于此套件的开盒测评 F-16 'Thunderbirds' (#G-35) 从 MisterCraft.


A short unbox review and notes:

Box has the wrong EAN code printed on it (5903852020354).

Included instructions manual is a mess:
- lots of typos and errors
- wrong color codes
- erroneous color/markings illustration with wrong decal numbers

Sprues are the same as (similar to) Italeri models 840, 841 and 848 (see sprue names).

This model can be made into single or twin seater version (although there's only one pilot name and one crew name decal). These name decals are in the older design (see decal image).

The clear sprues are included twice for some reason. And the D sprue seems to include only parts (pylons, fuel tanks and weapons) that are not installed on the Thunderbirds' F-16s during shows.

- bad instructions manual (especially the color and decal references)
- light grey sprues (instead of white)
- no pilot figure (even though the Thunderbirds helmet decal is included twice on the sheet)

- full kit for single or twin seat build (maybe unintentional)
- spare set of transparent canopy sprues

There seems to be a another version with the same EAN, but very little information is given on the official website ( This could be its predecessor or a rebox. Either way, the boxart is slightly different.
12 September, 16:33
So, a typical MisterCraft kit then? Wouldn't be surprised if the decals also fall apart as soon as they come close to water.
12 September, 18:13
Haven't tried it yet.. haha
Will update my comment after the build.
Any tips or suggestions to minimize mistakes/frustrations.? I read quite some negative opinions on Mistercraft kits, but since I'm still a beginner and the price was ok, I figured it would be fine.
12 September, 18:18
I haven't built this specific kit from them but I have built the 1:72 version as well as a few others from them (Caravelle, MiG-15, F-22). Be sure to clean the sprues before starting, there tends to be mold release agent residue that will affect painting. Make sure to do plenty of dry fitting and have putty nearby for the inevitable gap filling, as well as tools to sand down/cut/shape parts to the right size. Some parts may be bent: Use warm water to bend them back into shape. Don't bother too much about it looking accurate as it'll be very difficult to achieve. There may also be parts listed in the instructions that are not present on any sprues. For the decals I can't really recommend anything other than trying to be very gentle and hoping they survive. On the plus side, I got low quality and incomplete decals with the Caravelle but reaching out to their support got me a hand-written envelope with a new better sheet a few weeks later.

Their kits may be cheap, but they're still not really worth it.
13 September, 06:40
Thank you for all the tips!

In my spare time I started with this kit. As you and many others have said: not the most realistic (not my main goal) or fitting sprues. But, for a newbie like me, still a fitting way to learn all the problems and techniques that come with making models. 😉 And also feeling less guilty when I make mistakes.

Quite some putty and sanding involved: seems around the wings and stabilizers, valleys around the top piece behind the canopy and misaligned and/or non-fitting parts for the intake and the cockpit. (And probably more to follow..)
For filling the valleys I used Vallejo Plastic Putty which is easy to apply and clean, but not meant to be sanded (even after 24h). So I guess something like Mr. Surfacer would be a better way to do this?

Also, I changed the build order since most of it needs to be painted white (grey sprues..) and you can't access parts if you follow the instructions.

Now dreading the day the landing gears have to be glued...
24 September, 21:02


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