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我们并没有任何关于此套件的开盒测评 Sukhoi Su-57 Felon (#KH801XX) 从 Kitty Hawk.
Anthony D'AgostinoI did not expect to find much information regarding this kit/aircraft, but I did hope to find more than nothing at all! ????
20 May 2019, 08:48
Slavo HazuchaI guess there is not much more available in general, except that the kit is planned for 2020...
20 May 2019, 08:58
Roland DesortAnother Sukhoi for my collection. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
27 May 2019, 22:11

Su-57 FelonModern Military Aircraft Series 货号: 2
Piotr Butowski
Su-57 Russia's Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter Hugh Harkins
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