This is how I started - just past 7:30pm Friday in Singapore UTC+8.
I've got the Wingsy Kits A5M2b "Claude" (early version) a micro motor, a pilot stolen from anther kit and a frame I'm planning to use for mounting.
we have ignition! motorising was a stretch goal, but the way Wingsey have designed the engine makes it quite easy to mount a micro motor .. controlled by a microprocessor .. it's a micro machine😉
Since the plane is in-flight, I need a pilot! I stole this from the Tamiya Ki-61 Hien kit and did a rapid paint job. I have a feeling the flying kit is a little too advanced for the Claude but, hey..
a few coats of H8 later and I'm ready to call it a night (Sat). Just got final paint, decals weathering and installation for Sunday. Pretty confident of finishing this in 48 now!