The cockpit is great OOB, I only used the seat restraints from the Eduard set. (Please don't notice that one of the blue leg restraints was lost to the carpet monster.)
The main assembly is done. The fit of the model is superb, I only had to use a sliver of putty in the join between the cockpit area and the main fuselage. The only annoying thing is Academy's algorithm to place sink marks: it always selects the most difficult to access areas in the smallest parts.
The main assembly from a different angle. The main assembly, after completing the cockpit, has taken me a few enjoyable hours. I recommend the model, even with the few annoying sink marks, like the gigantic one in the middle of the bottom spine or the ones in the tiny front wheels.
There is a really prominent seam running along the canopy: Fine sanding, tamiya compound and a bath in Klear. I really struggled with the transparent green in the front panel, I may have gone too subtle this time but after several attempts I got tired. There is always space for improvement.
A good attempt a marble effect. I am really pleased with the wings but I find difficult to control the airbrush working so close to the model. I am going to get a quick fix handle for my H&S, I hope it helps.
Insignia white first. I am really pleased with the pre-shading in the wings and the tails, too subtle in the bottom of the fuselage. I may need some post-shading.
Main paint job finished. I am really pleased with the model so far, particularly the preshading. I know, there is still time to mess it up: I have just realised that the jet exhausts don't fit as well as I thought.