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JD (Mithran’dir)

Wait a minute... Doc, are you telling me you built a time machine out of a Delorean?


74 19 June 2020, 06:37
Geert Heijl
Very nice, I build the 'Aoshima'-version, that was a very nice one to build, I got much pleasure of it. I will follow you to see of this Polar Lights one gives you as much as pleasure. Succes!
19 June 2020, 08:23
I remember your build Geert! This Polar Lights kit isn't nearly as detailed as yours, but I'm having fun! 😄
19 June 2020, 10:10
Helmut Fraundorfer
"....out of a De Lorean?" That's the most important part🙂 Looks great man! Does the body come already "pre-chromed (stainless steel) inside the box? Enjoy the build!
19 June 2020, 11:14
Watching 👍
19 June 2020, 11:25
i am certanly in
19 June 2020, 13:58
The body came in a beautiful brushed stainless steel finish, it's what sold me on the kit. Not too detailed, easy build, just what I need..
19 June 2020, 21:13
Delorean pictures are form a really movie one, or from one of the many copies out there. they look good anyway
19 June 2020, 21:59
I would love to do the interior consoles with fluorescent paint and install a black light led If I could only figure out how 😛
19 June 2020, 22:41
Greg Baker
This is awesome. Sign me up. I'm not sure on the paints, but the UV LED is easy enough to do.
19 June 2020, 23:04
you are not the only one JD....
19 June 2020, 23:20
Chaz Gordon
I was tempted to order one and jump on the GB, but I know myself, I'd spend the next 6 months buying components to light it.
19 June 2020, 23:53
Yet another skill to be learned, basic electronics. One day I'll get a breadboard and start tinkering...
19 June 2020, 23:54
Chaz Gordon
You can get UV LEDs on ebay for pennies
19 June 2020, 23:55
Chaz Gordon
Wish you hadn't said that, now I'm coming up with applications for UV paint details
19 June 2020, 23:56
Been dying to try out ways of using glow/fluorescents and UV led's for awhile now. Go ahead Chaz, come up with some kewel techniques!
20 June 2020, 00:09
Got some priming done...yea!
20 June 2020, 01:56
Chris Greathouse
20 June 2020, 02:34
What's up Chris? Anyone know how to make small scale wiring? I want to try and add some here and there, recommend products?
20 June 2020, 04:31
Chaz Gordon
get some wrapping wire on ebay, I get a roll of 8 colours for next to nothing.
Search for this, about £6 for a lifetime supply:
280M 30AWG Tin Plated Copper 8-Wire
It's good for in scale Plug leads, battery cables, or for actual wiring. It's about as small as you can go and be insulated wire that you could use to run an LED. Or you can use Craft Wire which goes down to 0.2mm (5mm in-scale) but you'd have to paint it as not many colours available.
Fishing line could be used to make bundles of cables, but doesn't like to stick to anything and a pain to straighten
20 June 2020, 04:32
I know about the fishing line...don't use it! Just ordered a roll of 8 colors 30AWG .5mm Should be here Sunday. Thanks once again Chaz, you Wizard! 😄
20 June 2020, 05:04
Chaz Gordon
It's good stuff. in-scale, it's technically 1/2 inch, but looks pretty good for HT leads, plus you get to pick your colour. It's solid core, so it bends and holds nicely. it's pretty forgiving when stripping it with snips for actual electrical applications, although I recommend using the old school end type adjustable manual wire strippers for best results.
20 June 2020, 10:16
Just an idea... I thought maybe casting the rear wall in clear, then painting black around the everything that isn't illuminated, I could try some very basic backlighting, combined with fluorescents. I don't have any proper casting resin, so this is not a great result. In all probability I'm waaay too stoned... 😛
21 June 2020, 07:12
Chaz Gordon
Actally, you want the piece to diffuse the light, not be a perfect clear. the little imperfections will make backlighting more realistic. if you take a scotchbrite pad to the front, it will light up much better.
21 June 2020, 10:38
I did a very crude experiment as proof of concept, I think this would work, as most of the details of this kit are implied anyway. I thought this would be an easier model,but it turns out less detailed kits can be even harder to pull off...
21 June 2020, 21:03
This is what I got for my Delorean kits, plus various small-scale jacketed wire in different colors, SCM Brand: Darice US (available locally at Joann stores). Magnet wire and transformer wire is also very thin.

Recasting the back wall in clear and backlighting is what I was planning with mine also, except using fiber optics and a digital sequencer for the flux capacitor.
22 June 2020, 05:12
thanks Chaz! i found it (or very simlar) and order it 280m will last for a while 🙂
22 June 2020, 14:13
when i get my hobby room back, this is pending to be completed (aoshima). i am really curious about those UV LEDs, it could be perfect for this one... more info please 🙂
22 June 2020, 14:15
Don't expect too much interior detail from this one, save your efforts for the Aoshima kit. I'm trying to be creative and have fun. my first pin vise experience , and played with some wiring effects for the first time, and also some uv/fluorescents. Thanks for keeping me inspired, my Scalemates chums! 😭 🙁 😄
24 June 2020, 04:45
I realized that half my frustrations with the hobby is in the ability to take good photos of my progress for learning purposes... (note to self, get good camera, learn basic photography)
24 June 2020, 05:50
Starbase101, you and me, syncopated bio-rhythms... 😛
24 June 2020, 06:31
When this photo album hits 88 images we're gonna to see some serious pics!
24 June 2020, 12:59
Chaz Gordon
No, it'll go back to the beginning and the middle ones will start to fade out.
24 June 2020, 15:02
Greg Baker
Where do we hook up the 121 gigawatts?
24 June 2020, 15:12
Chaz Gordon
Hah, JD, you have the exact dollar store paint organisers that I buy
24 June 2020, 18:47
Yes! paint organizers and NOT for nail polish, right Chaz? Although I learned about thinning and spraying nail polish from Dr. Cranky... What happened to him? He seemed to have gone mental...
25 June 2020, 06:43
I ruined the stupid alarm clock, so out of frustration, I again attempted some scratch building...And if you don't look too closely at it and use your imagination... it's kinda cool.
26 June 2020, 21:18
i did not know about those testors fluorescent paints...worth checking!
26 June 2020, 22:21
there is a kit for the polar lights model, captainjacksmodels.c..chine-Light-Kit.html no idea how good it is
26 June 2020, 22:27
Yeah, Cap'n Jack, I think he might do the Ecto-1 too. I'm not up to that level yet of lighting models. Even this kit is challenging me...
26 June 2020, 23:09
Youtube Video
26 June 2020, 23:09
Whew! With all this wiring practice, I may be getting closer to actually lighting a kit someday!
29 June 2020, 23:07
Stepping forward in time... It's getting harder and harder to generate the 1.21 jigawatts necessary to finish this build! If only I could crossover into the Sci-fi category, I might locate more investors in plutonium! It's up to you Marty! (Tim😉 )
9 July 2020, 05:08
Chaz Gordon
Just need some Banana skins and general household Trash...
9 July 2020, 07:36
What's a guy gotta do to get a Pepsi Free around here?
9 July 2020, 09:25
It is your density to not be in the sci-fi category.
9 July 2020, 12:45
Greg Baker
Oh, my... now that's coming together.
9 July 2020, 13:00
you are too dense Starbase101😉
9 July 2020, 14:00
looking great, dashboard additions look nice.
9 July 2020, 14:00
Chaz Gordon
Should be in the Movies Category ..... Just Sayin
9 July 2020, 18:15
I have requested the creation of a new topic so BTTF Deloreans can be categorized properly.
9 July 2020, 21:49
Thanks for your support my fellow makers! Especially you Starbase101, you have pleaded my case most eloquently! 😄
9 July 2020, 23:37
Chaz Gordon
And here I find it in the Back to the Future Movies Topic
10 July 2020, 23:05
What I find is contains only one product, a generic "Future Car" not specifically labelled on the box as being from "Back To The Future" or "Bladerunner" but categorized as such: Seems to me it should be moved to generic Science-Fiction?
10 July 2020, 23:12
Chaz Gordon
On the associated projects, this build now shows, and below that is a discussion that verifies the Future car as having mad an appearance in BTTF PT 2
10 July 2020, 23:33
Well, Tim has sorted out the Delorean business with SCM Topic: Delorean DMC-12 under "Cars (vehicles)" (I still don't know what kind of car would not be a vehicle) for regular real-world cars, and SCM Topic: Delorean Time Machine under "Other (Science Fiction)" for the "Back To The Future" time machine. The products seem to be categorized appropriately now. I think what's missing is for JD to create an actual SCM project for the photo album and then it will show up under the desired topic.

Since the Bladerunner future car is more prominent in that film than background decoration in Back To The Future II, it still seems its topic should be "Movie Bladerunner" and not be a multi-topic product because the kit is of only one vehicle.
10 July 2020, 23:42
@JD, I see you've now created a project Back to the Future time machine | Project by Mithran’dir (1:25) and linked your photo album to it but you also need to assign a Topic to the project, such as SCM Topic: Delorean Time Machine and then I think it will be showing up the way you're wanting.
10 July 2020, 23:53
Hey by golly! There it is! The squeaky wheel finally got some grease 😛
Some Elf came in and fixed the glitch the gremlins were causing in my project!
😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 Fun level +1
11 July 2020, 00:05
Joel Harr
That interior looks really fun! You may have just made me want this kit. Is any of that wiring functional?
11 July 2020, 00:24
Thanks Joel! It's just pretend after all😉 I'm working my way up to do some actual model lighting someday.. the interior detail on this kit is sadly lacking, so it actually helped push me to try some scratch building. I used some tank parts, and the coolant lines are bass guitar strings! The fluorescent paint was my own idea 😄
11 July 2020, 01:19
Let me guess, you got the fluorescent paint idea after slipping and hitting your head on the bathroom sink while trying to hang a clock......
11 July 2020, 03:55
I actually got the idea of using fluorescent paint from my Brother long ago in my parent's basement, smoking weed and tripping on acid with girls, and black lights 'n my house by the lake...
11 July 2020, 05:10
Tom ...
Wow, what a build! So cool, JD. Simply stunning work!
12 July 2020, 21:46
Thanks Tom, that's the nicest compliment I ever got. 😭 😄
13 July 2020, 00:33
Can anyone recommend a good masking fluid? I've been experimenting with cheap liquid latex used in fingernail art, and it does work, but you only have seconds before it skins over, has a mean capillary action that likes to creep up surfaces, and under tape..
13 July 2020, 01:50
Tom ...
I really like Humbrol's Maskol: It's latex too but I find it's easy to work with and comes away cleanly. The only other liquid mask I've used is microscale's and I hate it as it's a bugger to remove.
13 July 2020, 02:46
Chaz Gordon
I'll second the difficulty of removing Microscale's but on the upside, you can cut it with a blade without snagging, so any that creeps up the wall can be removed easily. It's only tricky to remove when painted, quite easy before. Haven't got any Maskol yet to try it.
13 July 2020, 07:16
Dominik Weitzer
uh, yes, i like what i see. Your work is Looking good so far - good ideas, well made. Keep on Building😉
13 July 2020, 13:10
Chris Greathouse
Just keep it under 88 miles per hour!!! That fluorescent paint is dope AF!
13 July 2020, 18:02
I appreciate your comments fellas, I feel like I'm beginning to earn them a little 😄
Ran into a SNAFU situation, the blue tape removed some of the paint, have to redo.
The cables running down the body are a challenge, just ordered some Maskol to play with. Fortunately, the body finish is ISO proof, so cleanup is easy. 🙂
13 July 2020, 18:43
Chaz Gordon
Number one masking tip - Brown paper. can't beat it for area masking.
As for those cables, I'd be reaching for the brushes.
Looking great.
13 July 2020, 22:40
or the knife😉
13 July 2020, 22:56
Yeah, Chaz, I got lazy... I usually use regular household napkins for masking.. going for the brush on them cables could be a way.. Spanjaard, are you suggesting that You would cut the wire moldings flat using a knife, then using real wires in some madman's twisted science experiment? Or do you posses some secret painting technique using a pallet knife? Either way, 🤔 Ok, smartasses, how then would YOU tackle the problem of illuminating the plutonium chamber, using the techniques I have outlined? I do have a couple of plausible ideas..😉
14 July 2020, 05:31
Chaz Gordon
Re-cast in clear like you did with the interior panel
14 July 2020, 08:51
Chaz Gordon
Youtube Video
14 July 2020, 08:55
Chaz Gordon
I'd say it's more of a question how to motorise the lowering of the Plutonium Rod.

I'd be looking to use something like a panel cylinder fuse as a Plutonium rod that powers up all but the headlights when you push it down & Turn.
14 July 2020, 08:57
JD, removing the wires ... my Delorean is unfortunately on hold, but the wires can be removed.... Delorean Back to Future I - WIP | Album by hetspanjaard (1:24) i intend to use some thin wires to make it more realistic.
14 July 2020, 12:47
I agree with Chaz, re-cast in clear resin.
14 July 2020, 12:53
Chaz Gordon
I got my Maskol - Chewie - What an amazing Smell you've discovered !!!! 😛
14 July 2020, 17:42
Ooo Spanjaard, you did cut the cables with a knife! You're a braver man than I...
I have a flickering led underneath the chamber as an experiment, which makes the whole thing glow, then after painting black, I'll try and get some fluorescent yellow into the crevices, and maybe it will glow and pulse from underneath, if not it should still look cool under uv lights. Maskol stinks eh? Mine should be coming today. I also finally upgraded my airbrush to the Paasche T4. I'm not yet competent with casting parts, but that's a good idea.
14 July 2020, 18:11
actually it was easier than you may think. you only need to worry about not making too much damage around, then putty and sanding and it is done. i may ask you about electronics when i get my project back on track
14 July 2020, 22:31
I don't know much about electronics yet, but really want to learn, but for now I got one of those flickering tea lights from the dollar store for inspiration.
15 July 2020, 00:15
Another cheap way to get an all-in-one lighting solution is LED reading lights and flashlights from a dollar store. Just disassemble the outer casing and install the innards where you want light. Wiring can be lengthened, and the small batteries can be replaced with a larger size - but be sure to maintain the same voltage.
15 July 2020, 01:56
Chaz Gordon
A general tip for those considering getting into the electronics, Set everything up for 12V. It simplifies everything as 12V wall warts are cheap and reliable, Plus there is a common connection plug on them. 5V USB is another option, but limits your options a bit and means you need to match all your LEDs with resistors etc. 12V you can buy many ready made with resistors and a 8" cable for pennies. Plus 12V allows you options with motors, controllers etc, as it is always easier to reduce voltage than increase.
15 July 2020, 07:25
Made some progress, after many steps backwards. So far, I'm liking the way it looks. But I've come to the conclusion that I will never again use Vallejo primers for any masking job. It has failed me repeatedly. It's very soft, has poor adhesive properties constantly pulling up, not sandable, etc. on the plus size, it sprays well, but is not what I consider a primer, but more like plain acrylic paint. Ok, rant over 😄 Oh, and sorry about the out of focus shots, a decent camera is on my list. Also, please shout out your favorite primers, I hear Badger is one of the best, but they're sold out everywhere! Anyone use Rustoleum or Krylon primers?
24 July 2020, 23:57
plutonium chamber looking good!
25 July 2020, 00:50
Dominik Weitzer
Supercool looking !
25 July 2020, 11:25
Chaz Gordon
I did a lot of masking over vallejo primer on my Thunderbird pilots and had no issues with lifting at all. However, I did leave it a week to cure, and I keyed the plastic with a scotchbrite (genuine) pad first, which is a generally good idea regardless of what primer you use. The primer I use is the Vallejo Polyurethane in the 200ml bottle. I find it a little thick from the bottle, so a bit of thinner & flow improver is in order. I really must write down my ratios, I think I went for 60 Primer 40 Thinner.
25 July 2020, 11:30
Mike Szwarc
Wonderful detailing!! 👍 👍 👍
25 July 2020, 11:57
Gareth Burge
JD, this is looking great...electronics and all. Not an area I've done much with but would love to learn more about wiring up kits for LEDs etc.
25 July 2020, 12:18
Thanks guys! 😄
Gareth, I must admit that there's no electronics here, just mock up wires and fluorescent paint!😉 (One day real lights)
Mike, Dominik, and Spanjaard, you guys are too kind! 😄
I've just discovered to my horror, that after this far along with the build.... wait for it... The front bumper assembly is missing! I went back to my first photo of all the parts laid out on my desk, and sure enough, NO FRONT BUMPER! I contacted Round2 to submit a part request, but they are requiring a receipt of purchase, now long gone. I can't believe it...
25 July 2020, 23:31
Tom ...
Ugh! So annoying!
26 July 2020, 04:12
Tim Heimer
Sorry to hear that! They're customer service SUCKS! I have so had it with that company that I will not buy one of their products again. All they do is disappoint you with either product or service! I just bought the knight rider kit and found it missing parts, and parts melted into the flashing. That is such a bummer, if I had the kit I'd make you the part, especially after the cool work you've done to it.
26 July 2020, 05:29
Chaz Gordon
Hate it when that happens. At least the part doesn't look super complex, reckon you could scratch build one without too much trouble.
26 July 2020, 10:04
I have one of these kits....well, technically it's my son's (I gave it to him after getting the Aoshima kits for myself) and most of the parts are still on the sprues and painted. (I asked, and he doesn't want to part with the kit.) The front bumper (part 30) is present on the tree that's directly in front of the body shell in your first photo. Your tree is missing an extension off the center sprue between the top detail and door interior panels, as if it's been cut off from your tree. Did you buy the kit new or used? Did you possibly remove that section of the tree?

26 July 2020, 19:29
Damn Tim, they got you to? At first I thought I'll go buy another kit and return it after snagging the part, but then I do want to learn to scratch build... So I got some sheets of styrene to play with. The part looks more or less like an I-beam shape, so I'll start there. Really the only thing this kit has that is cool besides the subject matter, is the stainless steel body, it's very nice. Round2 a.k.a Lindbergh should be ashamed of themselves. Styrene tools and tips are appreciated. 😄
26 July 2020, 20:05
Greg Baker
I'd use a candle to carefully heat the styrene rod and bend it to shape. Be careful though, it gets warm enough to bend quite quickly, and you need to bend it gently. Maybe use some scrap sprue first to get a feel for how long it's going to take to bend.
26 July 2020, 23:12
Thanks Starbase101, now I can confirm I have never seen that part. I usually do my knolling first thing ootb, as my first photo. This time it helped prove my case that I'm not a total stoner.. 😛 I don't suppose You're adept at casting parts?😉
Could be that someone did what I suggested and swiped a part from what ended up being my kit.. Fooling around with time travel gets me into trouble. Karma might be real afterall, I might have screwed my future self with the very thought, creating an alternate reality! Great Scott!
27 July 2020, 05:16
Chaz Gordon
Perhaps you went back in time, Bought a kit, swiped the part, and returned the kit! It could be a pre-destination paradox!
27 July 2020, 08:00
Mike Szwarc
Ya'll are making my head hurt! Is it Karma, an alternate reality, or a pre-destination paradox? Or is it possibly just a glitch in the Matrix?
27 July 2020, 11:53
I just talked to a very nice guy at Round2... wait for it... they're sending me the part free of charge!
When it gets here, I must travel back to before I bought the kit, return the missing part to the box at Hobby Lobby, avoid running into my past self, and when I return to the present, the part should mysteriously appear on my desk, and I'll have no memory of this timeline.. 😛
27 July 2020, 19:08
Also try to avoid making out with your teenage mom in the parking lot!
27 July 2020, 19:35
Greg Baker
That's always good advice.😉
27 July 2020, 23:15
Tim Heimer
So glad to hear that!
28 July 2020, 04:09
Lol! 😛 My Mom was definitely hot in her teenage years, thankfully, I'll only be traveling back a few months.. (Oedipal complex avoided!)
Tim, Doug is very cool at Round2, He is very understanding, and might hook you up. Mention our conversation here, a little social engineering can't hurt ..😉
I think Round2 is a dying branch of whoever owns them, "Auto World" Where you are directed after calling Round2 customer support, and are now much like Testors, who are owned by Rustoleum, and are in desperate need of some positive feedback, otherwise these companies could go away, which would be a shame. He asked me to spread the word of my customer service experience. Although everything is made overseas, the Round2 Headquarters here in the US takes all the customer flak. Maybe Round2 a.k.a. Lindberg should go the way of the DoDo, but that would be a shame. They have done right by me so far, assuming I get the part in 2-4 weeks. Soapbox speech over.. 😄
28 July 2020, 04:45
Here's a little fun with Pledge.. some progress is better then none progress..
29 July 2020, 19:25
Shouldn't you be using "Future" on the clear parts?😎
29 July 2020, 19:37
Denis Stenko
Wow!!! waiting for final!
29 July 2020, 19:44
One would have to travel to the past to obtain the Future, which is not in the present, then it's Back to the Future! 🤔
29 July 2020, 20:52
Tim Heimer
29 July 2020, 23:06
Let's hear it for Doug at Round2! He hooked me up with the time flux gear free of charge in under a week! 😄
1 August 2020, 04:49
Youtube Video
1 August 2020, 12:24
Now you're thinking 4th dimensionally Marty!
Some honest to goodness scratch building, or more precisely kitbashing.. or is it scratch bashing? Kit scratching? 🤔 : Anyway, I'm happy with the result from all that thinking.. 🙂
I've made much more progress than this, but I'm holding out for the final reveal... 😄
9 August 2020, 03:11
Johne 69
So far so good 👍
10 August 2020, 14:05
Sparky Rogers
Oh man, this looks amazing!
18 August 2020, 21:37
Tom ...
It's all about the base....string
18 August 2020, 22:31
You've been a real slacker lately Marty. I don't like slackers 🙁
I wonder why it takes me so long to make any progress? Is it that I'm always trying to reach beyond my current skill level, and have to compulsively figure it all out in my mind before I even make the next move? Then dwell upon the myriad of ways and means of getting there, (which seems to take an inordinate amount of time) The stress when I can't come up with a solution to a problem for a long time, while fighting ignorance, and lack of motivation, wondering if it's worth all the aggravation... Then I remember all my Scalemates, are going through the same process too. The learning curve can oftentimes take years, and we each progress at our own rate, and that a breakthrough is just around the corner from where you are. 😄
Thank you friends for your words of support and encouragement. It means more to me then you will ever know, and I do pay it forward. 😭 😄 JD
22 August 2020, 03:18
Tim Heimer
JD you are so right! It sometimes takes longer to figure things out just to up your game and then find out you need to do it better after the 1st two tries didn't meet your expectations. But in the end you impress yourself and others! Keep up the good work, even if it takes a while! Looking good! You've inspired me!
22 August 2020, 03:54
Thank you Tim. It's so true that the only one you really have to impress is yourself, and if you can do that, then you can create anything. 🙂
22 August 2020, 04:38
Chaz Gordon
Thanks to the amazing info that I get from Mates and other sources, working out the how is not such a challenge, but I have found the most challenging is what order to do things. at the moment all of my projects end up with a sidebar while I deal with something else that needs to be done before the build can proceed. At the moment, it's getting resin molding right so I can produce engine parts at will no matter the included motor in the kit.
22 August 2020, 11:39
Mike Szwarc
Nice work!! 👍 👍 👍 This turned out great!

A good bit of my modeling time is spent in my head, considering the possibilities, and how I might go about achieving them, rather than actually doing any physical work on the model. Conceiving an idea and then successfully executing it (or even failing, as long as I learn something from the failure) are what I enjoy about modeling. When I've finished a model, the model itself has very little meaning to me.
22 August 2020, 12:11
Thanks for your interesting comments guys! I wasn't going to post any photos until I completed the model, then I realized that it would take a lot longer then I expected, so I'm posting my progress instead. There's more to do yet, installing the rest of the time flux gear around the body, running the rest of the cables to the front bumper, and retouching paint here and there, but I think I've rounded 3rd and am in the home stretch. I have a habit of starting other projects when things get tough, and now I have many unfinished projects. 😛 I need to focus and get it done, as now it's beginning to really piss me off! 😄
22 August 2020, 19:43
Tim Heimer
JD I feel your pain, as I do the same!
23 August 2020, 04:49
Denis Stenko
Hi, JD! What is the blue material on picture#8?
23 August 2020, 17:48
Hey Denis! Thanks for asking. It's a thermoplastic commonly called Blue stuff or Oyumaru. When heated in boiling water, it softens up, and then you can press parts into it to create 1 or 2 part molds. I used it on my Podracer build, where you can see the process. I need a lot more practice though 🙂
Anakin's Podracer | Album by Mithran’dir (1:32)
23 August 2020, 19:22
Ata Turgay
23 August 2020, 19:31
almost done JD, looking good 🙂
23 August 2020, 20:49
Gary Dahlström
Looking great JD. Hadn't visited this album in a while, and it was a treat catching up. The piece is done when the artist says it's done. Bravo!
23 August 2020, 21:32
Thanks you guys, I'm inspired to push harder now 😭 I completed installing the time gear, and finished the wiring on the right side, and then the gremlins came and gifted me with a nice blob of CA glue right on the fender, and a nice ding on the hood for spite! I'm pretty much improvising here so mistakes at this point are irreversible. I'll try my best to "hide the crimes" as it were.. 😄 this is actually my first car model, I had no idea how much I had to handle the thing over and over, rubbing paint off as I go, and how the oils in my fingers eats through paint, how difficult masking can be, how to make acrylics, enamels, lacquers, oils, and alcohol inks work together using the airbrush and hand brushing and scratch building.. the most challenging part. It's been a rough ride through time, but I'm getting excited that I'm close to reaching 88mph!
24 August 2020, 00:09
Denis Stenko
Go ahead!!!
24 August 2020, 16:03
Greg Baker
It looks like 87mph already! Now all you need is some burning tire tracks...😉
26 August 2020, 13:48
Thanks Greg! I remember your flaming tracks, and how awesome they were! (been in the back of my mind the whole time) I'm very pleased to have a comment from you. Your talent and skills are legendary..
26 August 2020, 19:05
Greg Baker
Hah! I don't know about that! I haven't made too many comments, but that's more because I've been busy lately, rather uninterested. I've been watching this build very carefully. It's really looking great. You've done some really impressive work.
27 August 2020, 05:33
Gareth Burge
Great comment JD; thought I was alone in that thought process conundrum! To the point where altho I am taking pics of my current build (Italeria 1:72 Blackbird) am almost embarrassed to share coz looks nothing like as good as what the fellow 'mates on here can do. It's a learning process to be sure. I guess the only way to learn is through trial, error, trial again, all the while taking advice from folks on here and learning all the time from that. Only recently picked up modelling again (from a break of 20+ years) so tons of new tools, techniques, processes etc to learn about and use (hopefully well!) PS - model is looking awesomer every update! 🙂
27 August 2020, 14:21
Tim Heimer
Gareth, when we all started up again after years of life getting in the way, we all were overwhelmed by all the new stuff! All you can do is watch, ask questions and learn. This site is a great place to start with all the friendly builders here. If you want, post your work and ask us where you need to improve and most will give kind suggestions and techniques. This way as your building you will be able to get close to what you want. Most have been doing this for years so it will take you time to get up to speed.
28 August 2020, 05:21
Absolutely! I would add, to continually experiment and take notes.. see what works, and what doesn't, and to not be ashamed to post your current progress and abilities, and put yourself out there, like I do. It doesn't matter where you are in your skills, but rather the courage to post where you are, with a willingness to learn, is important. It keeps you humble, and realistic, and involves others with your experience, and you will find a wealth of knowledge and inspiration from the connections you make here at Scalemates. Stay tuned for the final reveal of the Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine build!😎
28 August 2020, 05:50
Chaz Gordon
^ What they said.
But also to add, I've come back after 20 years, and yes, it's amazing what's out there now. The biggest new thing as far as I'm concerned is SANDING STICKS. How did we exist all these years without them! I use the albion alloys ones and I've made a set last through 11 completed models and numerous in-progress kits.
But the number one tool in the box was free of charge - Patience. Being an old fart now, I surprised myself that I seem to have a lot more of that these days. (My wife disagrees).
On the downside, I didn't used to need Reading glasses and a Magnifier light to see what I'm doing, but I can do much higher detail than I used to.
28 August 2020, 09:48
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys, and girls... I'm proud to present
for your viewing pleasure... My rendition of
The Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine! 😄
I would like to dedicate this build to the Scalemates community, and the cool people I have met here, who have inspired me to keep learning and growing in this great hobby of ours. Thank you all! 😭 JD
30 August 2020, 02:44
Bill Newcomer
Congratz 🙂
30 August 2020, 04:46
Tim Heimer
Just awesome JD! Love it!
30 August 2020, 05:15
Greg Baker
Wow! That's great work indeed! This one had a few challenges early on, but man, did it turn out to be a real beauty!
30 August 2020, 05:17
Konrad -
Stunning stuff👍!
I love those films and this build match it🙂!
30 August 2020, 06:22
Chaz Gordon
Nice job JD
30 August 2020, 15:21
James C
Impressive work JD and I really like the stainless steel finish of the body work 👍
30 August 2020, 17:54
nicely done JD
31 August 2020, 07:54
Tom ...
Awesome build, JD! Really something!
31 August 2020, 15:23
Ralf Topeters
YOu are truly a master of colors!!! Let's get in and get it on. Bye bye present welcome future! Then we can go and watch all the kits and dios we are gonna build in the coming years.
31 August 2020, 18:55
Mark Boots
Roads? where we go we don't need...roads. Very nice.
31 August 2020, 19:10
Thank you everyone. I'm glad it's over. It took me more than 2 months, including all the down time and bashing my head against the wall trying to figure out how to make it happen. I'm a little disappointed that I could not get a good shot of the flux capacitor with the glowing effects, but my camera can't handle the low light conditions. I think I need to step away from the workbench for awhile, and take a break, or do something easier. I need to improve my work area, build a better spray booth, and a proper photo booth with a nice camera. Then I want to work on dioramas and bases, and eventually electronics, and somewhere in there finish Anakin's Podracer. 😄
31 August 2020, 22:55
Erico Campos
Great Job!!!! It's Amazing!!!
25 February 2021, 14:54
Dominik Weitzer
I missed it! Looks fantastic!
25 February 2021, 18:40
Brandon H
Marvelous work!!
25 February 2021, 20:45
Wow.. Thank you very much for noticing!
You guys really made my day! 😄
25 February 2021, 23:55
Stephan H.
great result 👍 I love those "cockpit" details.
26 February 2021, 07:09
Chris Greathouse
That's awesome!
26 February 2021, 13:17
Tim Heimer
Hey JD, lets go back in time so those that missed this build can see you do it again! LOL!
27 February 2021, 06:03
Great Scott! this IS a blast from the past.. Six months ago to be exact..
What a special gift to be remembered..I'm glad I didn't become an asshole in a alternate Timeline.. 🤔
27 February 2021, 06:13
Ralf Topeters
Hey Mate, great build great theme and absolutely great performance by yourself. Now let's get back a year and a half and try to prevent those bateaters bringing harm to all of us!😉
28 February 2021, 15:35
Thanks Argento 1975 What a blast from the past this is, back when I had the 1.21 gigawatts of willpower?
4 August 2021, 17:17
really cool man! ??
4 August 2021, 18:26
Eric Martin
Tres beau travail
4 August 2021, 18:42
Merci! Glad you liked it ?
4 August 2021, 18:52
Thanks Jorge!
4 August 2021, 21:00
Youtube Video
4 August 2021, 21:02
Christian W
I like your little helpers too 🙂
6 August 2021, 05:01
Jay Boutin
That is so awesome! very cool build! and very nice work too!
3 September 2021, 04:59
Thanks so much Jay! You made my day! 😁
3 September 2021, 07:23

Project info

70 зображення
1:25 Time Machine (Polar Lights 911)

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