C-54D Skymaster
26 July 2015, 08:29

Very interesting! The first time I see this photo in color. Very carefully I'll watch over your project. Good luck!
29 July 2015, 17:24

After some weeks I found some time to spent on my C-54 again. So far the painting of the interior details is nearly finished and work proceeds on the outer surfaces. Unfortunately there is some need of filler on the large port door.
16 September 2015, 09:43

Great looking interior! I have the kit in my stash and the F.A.Q. book on my Christmas wishlist!
16 November 2015, 02:57

Was this the "Chocolate Bomber" used during the 'Berlin air lift' in the early 50's ?
You have got hold of some history here Sven, and so far, it's looking so good. 🙂
Cheers 👍 👍
16 November 2015, 03:44

Great shading 👍
What putty did you use in the last picture? Mr.Surfacer?
16 November 2015, 07:11

Hey guys, thank you for your nice comments! The AK book is really very helpful. The Revell tooling is surprisingly very detailed and the fit of the interior is good. I started work on the wings and nacelles and there is some more work to do with filler and putty. I show you next time.
@ Koromas: yes that´s Mr. Surfacer. Even when there was a greater gap and not so good alignement of the parts the Revell plastic in this case is easy to grind and I soon got the correct shape.
@ Holger: So far Revell did a good job.
16 November 2015, 18:17

@ Kerry: Yes this is one of the "Rosinenbomber" as we call them. There were some more type of aircraft involved in the Berlin Air Lift but this is the most common one if I recall it correctly.
16 November 2015, 19:56

Sven, thanks for that mate, as I was not quite sure, but as I said, it looks to be a great build mate, 🙂
16 November 2015, 20:03
Album info
Even when the molds are brand new there are some areas with some excess to be removed. After the cleanup I assembled the parts for the cockpit intruments and prepared the forward wheel bay and the passenger cabin for painting. XF58 as base colour and then lightened up with XF59 and XF2 was my choise for interior green. The floorplates got a mixture of XF27 and XF50 to match Revell´s 69 Granitgrau also lightened with white. Directly afterwards I applied Tamiyas clear coat.