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Simon Nagorsnik (s!mon)

1:100 SU-76M Soviet SPG


1 March 2025, 20:18 -

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Soviet SU-76M
(Zvezda 6239)

I´ve planed to fix this project within two days- As a small New Year's challenge 😉
Didn't quite work, the processing of the base took too much time...

However, quite a nice kit and for it´s size quite good details and cheap to get.
In order to save time and not to have to paint the interior, I´ve added a self-made tarpaulin, antenna and also a recovery beam.
Additional i drilled up the muzzle brake too- that´s all.

The fitting accuracy of the parts was good and the construction progressed quickly.
Unfortunately no decals are included, but there are worse things than that.

14 Görüntüler
1:100 SU-76M (Zvezda 6239)

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