Yamaha RZV500R (Tamiya 1:12)
February 5, 2022This is what was awating me. After A Quick examination I realized I already strip the Chrome parts2
February 5, 2022Seems Like I already build the Engine. I asume that I cover it with Mr. Gunze Surfacer. But I'm not shure.3
February 5, 2022What happend here? I can explain. This one is an hollow part. I don't know why but in my folishness I filled the hollow part completly with Revel plasto. The plastic has been dissolve from the solvent of the putty. Now I know not to fill huge holes with putty. This will be a pain to correct4
February 5, 2022I decided not to strip the primer an just sand it it al little bit.5
February 5, 2022For the Water hose I tried 2 different types of hose clamps. I decided to use the right one, because the original has wide clamps.6
February 5, 2022The finished Engine. The Black parts did get an light drybrush with dark grey. The Carburator a washing and some oil spilling.7
February 5, 2022A dry fitting od the swingarm did bring up a smal problem. Easy to solve with a platic tube.8
February 5, 2022Paintwork in Progress.9
February 5, 2022Parts in progress. Those are waiting for a bath with glass cleaner10
February 5, 2022Parts in progress. Those are waiting for their next step or paintwork11
February 5, 2022Tires are ready to roll on12
February 5, 2022Frame with Engine. Some once said. The Engine of an motorcycle modelkit is like an cockpit of an Aircraft Modelkit. You can make tons of details and you only will se a little bit of it when fnished13
February 5, 2022Swingarm in progress14
February 5, 2022Caliper and chain finished.15
February 5, 2022glue everything together.16
February 7, 2022After putty and sanding the wingsarm was painted17
February 7, 2022Installing the Swingarm to the main Body18
February 7, 2022The first 2 exhausted are installed.19
February 8, 2022Next Step. It's a shame that you will see almost nothing of the Engine, when the Motorcycle will be finished20
February 8, 202221
February 25, 2022front fender gets its color22
February 25, 2022Frame parts gets their Primer23
February 25, 2022First Basecoat in White.24
February 25, 2022The mask was put on sloppy. I need to fix some edges25
February 25, 2022Only thing left are the decals and some minor washing26
March 5, 202227
March 5, 202228
March 5, 2022Don't know why but the decals are brittle. When I wet them they fall apart. Unfortunately I couldn't find the lost piece29
March 5, 2022I tried to put them together as far as I can30
March 6, 2022The Problems with the decals are almost on every part. The Other side was in worse. I will try to repair them with some color.31
March 6, 2022Newly painted Tank. Had to strip the color after some problems with the clear coat.32
March 6, 2022Alsmost finished tank. Only thing left is the last clear coat33
March 6, 202234
March 6, 2022You cann se the repaired parts of the decals only if you near enough.35
March 6, 2022Almost complete. Only thing are left is the Tank (Clear coat is drying) and the Mirrors. Wanted to use some Bare Metal foil. Can't order anything here, so I have to paint them.36
March 9, 202237
March 9, 202238
March 9, 202239
March 9, 202240
March 9, 202241
March 9, 202242
March 9, 202243
March 9, 2022
3 March 2025, 23:16 -
Album info
This is an old Modelkit from Tamiya. I bought it as a kid. Started to build it around 2004. Stopped shortly after. I didn't know what would awating me after such a long time. I couldn't remember what I had already made.