gundam modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisi
Rod - (the_crack_fox)



4 11 January 2020, 23:29
thas some huge grass!!!
 29 July 2021, 12:08
Robert Podkoński
Cool! Can we ask for any WIP photos or impressions on this kit (Frankly, I have the other incarnation of this kit in my stash and would like to know its vices, if there are any... 🙂 )
 29 July 2021, 12:13
Rod - Yazar
I didn't take any build photos. I remember it being a fairly simple kit. That was my first attempt at masking a 2 colour paint job. I didn't wait long enough for the lower section to dry before hitting it with clear lacquer and the line sagged a bit in places. Lesson learned...
 29 July 2021, 12:29
Robert Podkoński
Thanks, Rod. I have not noticed that at all 😉 Good work!
 29 July 2021, 12:43

Project info

4 Görüntüler
1:24 RN80 Hilux Custom (Aoshima 058022)

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