1:72 VK 72.01(K) (Paper Panzer)

The dio layout looks absolutely gorgeous 👍 Can´t wait to see this progressing!

Hi guys!
Nice to have you all on board 😁
You`re welcome!
A new "ugly bastards " theme is comming 🤣🤣

Exqusite work on the scenery! I still don't know how you do it 😄

Do you use a magnifying glass while painting the figures? So many little details 🙂
My eyes are way too bad for that.

Project finished!
At the moment it is a bit stressful, so there is currently only irregular time for modelling....
Anyway, thank you very much for your good comments and likes!
Sorry for the somewhat bad photos, they were taken a bit hastily... 😅

Absolutely stunning! Really a masterpiece 👍
Hope you don´t mind if I take inspiration from some of the elements for an upcoming project of mine 🙂

Thank you again mates!!
@Tom: Haha, no, not at all 😁
The color scheme for the tank I´ve also copied elsewhere.... 😉

It's always fantastic what you get out of this scale. Absolutely highend! 👍👍👍👍👍

Another gem in your collection Simon! 👍
The tank itself reminds of my Fiat 500 or VW Lupo - looking from the front end your start to think it's going to be a normal vehicle and then its cut in half 😄

This turned out wonderfully, Simon!
The plate is also a nice touch.

OUTstanding 👍. The figs are top notch Simon, really great. Hope the stress goes away soon.

Congratulations, Simon! Well-deserved recognition of your artistry, as well as your creative ideas and modelly skills. Superb at 1:35, but even more impressive at 1:72!!! 🙂

Du hättest gleich vorn stehen bleiben können 😉
Congratulations for all the medals!

Herzlichen Glückwünsche nochmals! Ich freute mich wieder über die persönlichen Treffen

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Simon, zu den wohlverdienten Preisen! Hier hat es den Richtigen getroffen! 😉

Hi guys! Thank you very much to all of you, very motivating for the future 😁
Hey Lukas, u2 for sure 🤘😎
Seriously, thanks to all of you guys!

Congrats on the prizes won 👍 Bringing home trophies from Moson is quite a statement judging from the general quality of models there!

Thank you Tom, and I have to agree with you.
Even if I wouldn't have won anything, I was already happy when I saw my models on the table... 😁
Album info
Armory's VK 72.01(K)
Another paper tank project of mine.
As far as I have learned, only a scale wood model was made by Krupp and no documents may have survived.
Design from 1942 for a 72 ton class vehicle.
...however, I have to say here that I like this unusual design very much...
A few words about the kit AR72202 :
Pretty classic short-run kit.
Not one part fit the other without spending time to rework them.
Surface details are mostly quitesoft and many small parts of poor mold quality.
The entire undercarriage was replaced, including the molded on suspension arms, which where replaced useing spare parts from Modelcollect's E-100 tank and running gear from Trumpeter's Tiger II (which were only slightly better).
Tracks and drive sprocket were replaced with OKB Grigorov products (S72154, S72157).
I also used a new commander dcupola from OKB (S72442), MG34 from JK Resin (72007), MG gun barrels from Aber (72L33), Master (GM-72-025) and also from Aber a new main gun barrel (72L67).
Some other parts are made by scratch.
Cast structure is created by dissolving the surface with plastic glue and dabbing.
Weld seams are made of Tamiya epoxy putty.
I only used the Blitz Workshop diorama base (B72006) for basic structure (and to finally get it out of my storage...).
It has been completely overhauled in its own performance and most of it has actually ended up in the trash, as the quality of the parts left much to be desired.
That's why the whole thing was mostly built scratch... plastic sheet, left over parts, metal sheet, old PE's, wood...etc, you know 😉.
Figurines are from Royal Model (831) and Scale75 (SW72-007).