gundam modelleme veritabanı | depo yöneticisiAustin Armored Car 3rd Series
Ukrainian, Polish, Georgian, Romanian Service. Interior Kit
MiniArt | No. 39005 | 1:35

Kutu içeriği
- 1x Reference: A Plastic sprue (with 28 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: B Plastic sprue (with 75 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 2x Reference: Cb Plastic sprue (with 2 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 2x Reference: Cd Plastic sprue (with 2 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 2x Reference: Cf Plastic sprue (with 2 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 2x Reference: Ck Plastic sprue (with 20 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Da Plastic sprue (with 49 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Dc Plastic sprue (with 6 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: De Plastic sprue (with 4 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Ea Plastic sprue (with 4 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Ec Plastic sprue (with 17 parts | clear) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Ed Plastic sprue (with 3 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Ek Plastic sprue (with 5 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 2x Reference: Ff Plastic sprue (with 8 parts | light gray) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: PE Photoetched fret (with 74 parts | brass) Görünüm
- 1x Reference: Decals Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Görünüm
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (multi-colored) Görünüm
Austin Armoured Car
Austin Armoured Car, 3rd series
საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკის არმია (Army of the Democratic Republic of Georgia 1918-1921)
1918 Russian Civil War (1917-1923) - Georgia
Wojska Lądowe (Polish Land Forces 1918-now)
1920 Polish-Bolshevik War - Poland
Forțele Terestre Române (Romanian Land Forces 1859-now)
Армія Української Народної Республіки (Ukrainian People's Army 1917-1921)
- Separate Zaporizhuhia Div.
1919 Russian Civil War (1917-1923) - Ukraine - Sich Rifleman
1919 Russian Civil War (1917-1923) - Ukraine
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