Death Star Trench projectVisa: Bildspel Mosaik Lista 1January 24, 20181st sq ft of scratch built tiles complete. Unsure of colour yet. Might go lighter. 2January 20, 2018 3January 20, 2018 4January 20, 2018First few tiles on 74mmx74mm squares of foam board. This keeps it light and cheap. 5January 20, 2018Playing with colour options. Ultimately just a palish looking grey should give the look. 6January 20, 2018Tiles so far laid out to form bottom of trench. 1:144 y-wing for scale. 7January 31, 2018Resin mini tiles from club member Alan. Added to standard 3x3 tiles. Some painted for colour testing. 8January 31, 20182 excellent contributions from club members Dave and Chris Norman. Thanks guys. 9February 2, 2018A few more "finished" 3x3 tiles. 10February 6, 2018Latest batch of 3x3 tiles finished and together 70+ i think 11February 6, 2018First big tile made of 16 3x3 tiles 12February 6, 20182 big tiles complete 13February 6, 201812" sq whiteboard. Doubled up for strength. Marked out for tiles. Black marker shows as shadow between tile gaps. 14February 6, 2018Scratchbuilt tiles then added. Nearly at random. Little bit of thought maybe. 15February 7, 2018Three completed "big" tiles. 16February 8, 2018Re cast Bandai tiles. Done about 40. Second batch should work out much cheaper as cost of making silicon moulds now covered. 17February 10, 2018The moment the super star destroyer crashes into the deathstar surface portrayed admirably by Pookster. 18February 13, 2018Another batch ready for tiling up. 19February 20, 20186 sq ft complete. 96 mini tiles. 20February 23, 2018Another 3 x 1ft sq tiles done. This time primed with rattle can mid grey. A pleasing look i think. 21March 25, 2018Another 2 sets of 16 ready for paint. 22March 25, 2018Numerous contributions from keen Death Star builders from Cleveland IPMS 23March 25, 2018Another 2 sprayed and complete 24March 25, 2018Mainly recast Bandai tiles on this one. 25May 31, 2018Tiles on frame. This is one of at least 6 that will be completed 26May 31, 2018Tiles on frame 27May 31, 2018Support frame folded for storage and transport. Cunning 28May 31, 2018Unfolding 29May 31, 2018Deployed ready for use. 30June 12, 2018Test shot of first half of trench on support frames. 31June 12, 2018Prototype on display for the first time at Northern Model Show. 32December 19, 2018Completed 18 sq ft. Colours now balanced better 33December 19, 2018On display at Telford 34December 19, 2018 35December 19, 2018 36December 19, 2018 Kommentarer10 January 2025, 14:01 - Album info1:72 Death Star Trench DioramaDeath Star Trench36 bilder1:72PågåendeScratchbuiltAll albumsView all albums »