Mirage 2000 WIPVisa: Bildspel Mosaik Lista 1November 6, 2017Sprues and aftermarket bits 2November 6, 2017The triangular bits on the landing gear will be replaced with PE 3November 6, 2017Cockpit panel and straps will be replaced as well 4November 6, 2017Spot the differences 5November 6, 2017This PE stuff is tiny AND fragile. Take it slow! 6November 6, 2017Now Eduard wants me to fold the strips to the right... 7November 6, 2017But it's done. The panel looks crappy in the picture. In real life it's decent. 8November 7, 2017Cockpit done 9November 7, 2017There are two ugly ejection marks on the top of the tub. Converted them to two screens. 10November 7, 2017Man, it's small 11November 7, 2017Fuselage closed up. 12November 7, 2017Added the wings 13November 7, 2017There sure is a differrence in detail between the wing and the fuselage. 14November 8, 2017A fit issue with the intakes. Never seen that before 😉 15November 8, 2017Same here 16November 8, 2017Some filler needed. 17November 8, 2017Sanded the spine & nose. Filled the wing roots 18November 8, 2017Filled & sanded 19November 11, 2017Landingear penfolded and glued 20November 11, 2017 21November 11, 2017Dashboard cover folded 22November 11, 2017Dryfit 23November 12, 2017Added some electrical wiring as brakelines. The struts were a bit bare. 24November 13, 2017Ye olde receiver 25November 13, 2017Lots of goodies to be used in modelling! 26November 13, 2017First harvest 27November 13, 2017Found three spools with the finest copper wire I ever saw. Could be useful 28November 13, 2017Tried to scratchbuilt a new landinglight. Original on the left, not so good attempt on the right. 29November 13, 2017Used some electronic parts to upgrade the very bare wheel wells. Totally fictious of course. 30November 15, 2017Prepped for painting 31November 15, 2017Painted, Black 32November 15, 2017Added some detail to the missiles and noted there were some fins missing... 33November 15, 2017Fixed the missing fins and found this tiny rear view mirror (lower right corner), which should be.... 34November 15, 2017in this already glued tight cockpit 35November 17, 2017Primed 36November 18, 2017Camo design drawn with 8b pencil 37November 18, 2017Masked with panzer putty. Painted Ammo intermediate blue 38November 18, 2017Quite delighted with the result 39November 18, 2017She looks okay to me 40November 18, 2017Wheel wells painted Zinc chromate yellow 41November 18, 2017Exhaust painted with Alclad's aluminium, dark aluminium & jet exhaust. 42November 20, 2017Intimidating 43November 20, 2017First some do not walk here lines on the wing 44November 20, 2017The eyes look very nice. The decals are veeeeery thick. I guess to get the white opaque. Don’t think the panel lines will show. 45November 20, 2017Totally undo able to get these thick decals in place 46November 20, 2017Same here. The curved fuselage is ***** 47November 20, 2017Settled perfect on the wing. Okayish on the fuselage 48November 20, 2017Same here 49November 20, 2017Had to remove the winglets on the tail, to get the decal in one piece in place. 50November 20, 2017I hope it settles like on the wings 51November 21, 2017More decal soft helped! 52November 21, 2017We’re Getting there 53November 22, 2017Yellow ochre on the exhaust 54November 22, 2017Also some phtalo blue and burnt umber 55November 22, 2017Upside done as well. 56November 22, 2017Underside decalled. Wings are beautifully detailed. Nose and tail not so much. Feels like two different kits. 57November 22, 2017The instructions show more detail than the kit has. 58November 24, 2017 59November 24, 2017Glued the last bits 60November 24, 2017Me like 61November 24, 2017 62November 24, 2017 63November 24, 2017 64November 24, 2017I really like the exhaust. 65November 24, 2017Looks fine to me. 66November 24, 2017Quit staring at me! 67November 24, 2017 68November 24, 2017 69November 24, 2017And the desk is prepped for the next project. Kommentarer11 January 2025, 15:33 - Project infoMirage 2000C69 bilder1:72AvslutadDassault Mirage 2000-5F Armée de l'Air (French Air Force 1934-2019)EC 5/330 Côte d'Argent 330-AX Côte d'Argent2004 N.A.T.O. Tiger Meet - Schleswig-Jagel AB, Jagel, Schleswig-Holstein Light grey Blue, Light grey All albumsView all albums »