Phase 1 - Basic Build
16 November 2013, 16:24

good job ,this is a great kit and lends itself well to detailing looking pretty good but dont forget to touch up the road wheels
17 November 2013, 16:44

Thanks, the road wheels definitely need some work, trying to paint them on the model, is a little more difficult than I realized when I started assembly, I probably should have done at least the initial coat before I attached them.
17 November 2013, 19:10

I do my road wheels on Shermans the same way i dont think there is any easy way to do them also the idler wheel in the back should be steel it had no rubber on it i dont think
17 November 2013, 23:17

Good catch. I've been working off various M4 photos, and I haven't really been too exacting in that regard. I was basing that off some M4A1 photos I had. But you are correct, the M4A3 should have a steel idler wheel. I'll switch it up with some steel and some chipped olive drab over it. Thanks for the pointer.
18 November 2013, 00:02
Album info
So far, I've got the basic structure of the tank done and painted. Next steps are decals, weathering, and adding stowage.