Henschel HS P.75
September 16, 2022Main parts cut from the blocks and prepared for glueing. Drilled holes for alignment pins to aid in positioning while glueing.2
September 16, 2022dryfit3
September 16, 2022first sections glued and sanded4
September 16, 2022and bottom side5
September 16, 2022nosejob 😉6
September 16, 2022Kit cockpit was sparce and left some big opening to the rear frame7
September 16, 2022made a cockpit in styrene8
September 16, 2022totally removable for painting and detailing9
September 16, 2022The resin landing gear is rather solid, but the model in very heavy. I think it will bend from it's own weight over time. So I soldered some Albion alloys tubing to replace the original parts..10
September 21, 2022Checking the seams11
September 21, 2022Checking the seams12
September 21, 2022Checking the seams13
September 21, 2022Cockpit painted in base RLM6614
September 21, 2022Cutting up the Quinta decals15
September 21, 2022And glue them till it looks busy16
September 25, 2022Section of the wings is euhm... weird17
September 25, 2022To have a regular section, this should be removed18
September 25, 2022Also one of the wings has a dent19
September 25, 2022Some heat later20
September 25, 2022Then some reinforcement pins21
September 25, 2022Dryfit... some large holes to fill22
September 26, 2022First one done23
September 26, 2022Second too24
September 26, 2022Both equal25
September 26, 2022Still some sanding to do when joined to the hull, but that is place by place, here at the rear26
September 26, 2022Here at the front27
September 26, 2022But first the landing gear, even in dryfit, or it can't be mounted anymore.28
September 28, 2022filling the rather large gaps.. luckily I had enough sanding dust to use as a filler29
September 28, 2022filling the rather large gaps.. luckily I had enough sanding dust to use as a filler30
September 28, 2022and for the more fine work... drying for the next sanding session. The wing has a lot of micro-holes from bubbles31
September 28, 2022and for the more fine work... drying for the next sanding session32
September 28, 2022still some wings to add, but so far so good33
September 29, 2022Ready for a check with primer34
September 29, 2022Ready for a check with primer35
September 29, 2022More filler was needed36
September 29, 2022Looks promising37
September 29, 2022Looks promising38
September 29, 2022Looks promising39
September 30, 2022Pleasantly surprised40
September 30, 2022Pleasantly surprised, some small pitting still in the wing, but...41
October 4, 2022Tracing the lines for scribing. These small holes from bubbles were filled with tiny amounts of CA42
October 4, 2022Tracing the lines for scribing43
October 5, 202244
October 5, 202245
October 5, 202246
October 6, 2022Cutting out the louvres47
October 7, 2022Cutting/deepening the lines before scraping48
October 7, 2022Both sides done49
October 7, 2022Started the bottom side50
October 8, 2022Proposal fot bottom lay-out, with additional droptank and wing mounted guns51
October 8, 2022Top lay-out, the beige exhaust is from the kit, the grey ones are from a Typhoon... but look more sleek, albeit too large for the top52
October 8, 2022The right one are smaller but from a He-111. I only want to use the top scoops53
October 8, 2022These...54
October 8, 202255
October 8, 202256
October 10, 2022cutting up the exhaust57
October 10, 2022in tiny parts58
October 10, 2022clamping before thinning the contact surface59
October 10, 2022sanding paperthin60
October 10, 2022all done61
October 12, 2022Canards, with some reinforcement insid62
October 12, 2022Canards, with some reinforcement inside63
October 12, 2022Canards, with some reinforcement inside, gaps filled64
October 12, 2022Canards, with some reinforcement inside, gaps filled65
October 12, 2022Tail, same story66
October 12, 2022Dryfit67
October 12, 2022Further scribing topside68
October 12, 2022Further scribing bottom69
October 12, 2022Exhausts bottom70
October 12, 2022Exhausts top71
October 12, 2022Exhausts top72
October 13, 2022Dryfit main landing gear73
October 13, 2022Dryfit main landing gear74
October 13, 2022Added some detail with paper75
October 13, 2022Nose landing gear dryfit76
October 19, 2022Other details too77
October 19, 2022And at the bottom. Still need to check for droptank etc...78
October 19, 2022Riveting almost added
28 February 2025, 11:27 -