JGSDF Maneuver Combat VehicleПоглед: Слидесхов Мозаик Листа 1March 16, 2017assembling went pretty fast, nice engineered kit 2March 16, 2017 3March 16, 2017wheels ready for paint 4March 17, 2017drilled out the holes from the barrel 5March 17, 2017pretty small 6March 23, 2017drilled out lifting eyes, replaced handles 7March 23, 2017drilled out lifting eyes, replaced handles 8March 23, 2017drilled out lifting eyes, replaced handles 9March 23, 2017drilled out lifting eyes, replaced handles Коментари26 January 2025, 16:36 - Album infoA pretty straightforward build, not that many parts, but they fit as a glove... All that needs to be done is drill some holes for the tow-hooks... After 1.5h of assembling and minor cleanup I was already this farJGSDF Maneuver Combat Vehicle9 слике1:72ИдејеСви албумиПрикажи све албуме »