Yugoslavian Fighter of WW II
Aviation USK | No. AV-1009 | 1:72
Садржај кутије
- 1x Plastic sprue fuselage half and small parts (gray) Поглед
- 1x Plastic sprue fuselage half and wings (gray) Поглед
- 1x Photoetched fret internal and external details (brass) Поглед
- 1x Vacuformed canopy (clear) Поглед
- 1x Photo film cockpit dials Поглед
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Поглед
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (black & white) Поглед

Rogožarski IK-3
Rogozarski IK-3
Jugoslovensko Kraljevsko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo (Royal Yugoslav Air Force 1918-1941)
- 51 Vazduhoplavna Grupa 10 (Potporučnik Dusăn Borčić)
Април 1941 Invasion of Yugoslavia - Belgrade (Result: 1 kill)
Medium Brown, Dark Green, Light grey
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