KV Soviet Heavy Tanks
The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory
Jochen Vollert
- nadpis:
- KV Soviet Heavy Tanks The Soviet Tank that Paved the Road to Victory
- autor:
- Jochen Vollert
- ISBN-13:
- 978-3-936519-57-0
- Format:
- viazaná kniha
- stránky:
- 728 stránky
- Rozmery:
- 302×220
- Jazyk:
- English
- uvoľnený:
- 2024
- Vydavateľ:
- Tankograd Publishing
- téma:
- Kliment Voroshilov tank » Tanks (Vehicles)
We found 2 review(s) of this book KV Soviet Heavy Tanks (#) by Jochen Vollert on the web:
Súvisiace knihy
Stalin's Heavy Tanks 1941-1945 The KV and IS Heavy Tanks
Armor At War Series No. 7012
Steven J. Zaloga, Jim Kinnear, Andrey Aksenov...
1997 Тяжелый танк КВ-2 "Неуязвимый" колосс Сталина
Война и мы. Танковая коллекция No. 61
Максим Коломиец
2011 Stash
želanie (1 mates)
Stash (9 mates)
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