The main issue with my old build are these yellowed decals. They were old then and just got worse with time especially since I never top coated/varnished them.
The transition/joining of the secondary hull to the pylons is also pretty rough.. credit where it's due AMT designed it almost friction fit, however the end result is not pleasing or flush.
The injection mold of the nacelles also needs addressing.
Some credit to my old self I love the color and effect I went for in regards to the Bussard domes. I wanted to simulate that motion/orange hue shown in the original series and I want to carry that forward in this refurbish.
Same goes for the blue paint applied to the warp nacelles though for this update might tone it down to a more grey blue to match the original series appearance.
The idea of the inner wall strips glowing blue stems from a toy I believe but I do like how it aesthetically ties the original to the Refit and the D in this set.
The secondary hull/pylon joint situation is similar to the original enterprise with the reverse issue. The TOS join was protruding slightly with the A it is slightly recessed/inset
Planning to purchase some Enterprise-D decals off Etsy before committing to her refit/refurbish. Shes in pretty rough shape.. (notice the paint scratches due to the plexiglass stand)
Not sure if I can fix the slight bend in the kit with heat but I'll see what I can do. Man those decals don't line up at all! Younger me really rushed this..