У вас есть вопрос, отзыв или критика? Мы готовы ответить и ждём вашего участия.
Please read before reaching out
- We are NOT an online shop, we do not sell any items (nor can we help finding a shop).
- We do NOT know how much a certain kit is worth.
- We are NOT producing any kits nor aftermarket sets.
- We do NOT have copies of the instruction sheets.
- We can NOT help with spare/broken/lost parts.
- We do NOT have contact information for manufacturers.
- We are NOT an online shop, we do not sell any items (nor can we help finding a shop).
- We do NOT know how much a certain kit is worth.
- We are NOT producing any kits nor aftermarket sets.
- We do NOT have copies of the instruction sheets.
- We can NOT help with spare/broken/lost parts.
- We do NOT have contact information for manufacturers.
- Личное сообщение: Отправить личное сообщение (требуется регистрация)
- E-mail: tim@scalemates.com
- Facebook: Gundammates Facebook
- Twitter: Gundammates Twitter
GundammatesTim Vereecke
Populierenweg 26
3020 Herent
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