WIP MQ-9 Reaper PicturesVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1February 26, 2021Main hull and wings together. Very quick build without a cockpit 2February 27, 2021Final little details added to the hull. just about ready for priming 3February 27, 2021Underside of the body 4February 27, 2021Close up of the weapon pylons 5February 27, 2021I added some lead wire to replace the plastic tubes that weren't fully molded. Turned out great. 6February 27, 2021All the bits ready for priming 7March 13, 2021Preshading complete. Trying out a mottled technique to get some slight color modulation in the final grey. 8March 13, 2021Underside. I went back and added a bit more mottling after this. 9March 13, 2021Extra hull bits preshaded as well. The prop cap is slightly glossy for metallic paint. 10March 13, 2021Underside of the hull after the main color painted on. The modulation turned out subtle but still visible. Should be a bit more pronounced after varnishing. 11March 15, 2021Top side in lighter grey. 12March 15, 2021Landing gear bits painted, just before varnishing. 13March 15, 2021Ordnance painted, just before varnishing. 14March 15, 2021Panel lining on the ordnance and landing gear bits 15March 15, 2021 16March 15, 2021The prop hub was painted with a brush and acrylic silver paint while spinning it slowing with a hand drill to get the brushed effect. 17March 27, 2021Varnish and panel lines always add a lot of detail. 18March 27, 2021Color modulation on the upper hull is less apparent, but still visible. 19March 27, 2021Decals on the ordnance. 20March 27, 2021Underside with landing gear installed, and decals going on. 21March 27, 2021Closeup of the tail decals 22March 27, 2021Upper hull decals. Lots of red and white dots for various caps and port covers 23March 27, 2021 24March 27, 2021Upper tail decals. 25March 27, 2021Fully assembled, and matte varnished. 26March 27, 2021 27March 27, 2021Underside with ordnance and matte varnish. 28March 27, 2021Close up of the ordnance and landing gear. Comentarii31 January 2025, 10:57 - Album infoWIP Pictures of my MQ-9 Reaper buildMQ-9 Reaper28 imagini1:48terminatToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »