North American F-86F Sabre
May 6, 2017Alclad II worked fine, although I expected it to be stronger, in the plastic spoon it sticked very hard but in the model, as I was sanding, it nocked out some chips that I had to sand down and retoutch, about 2 times,but in the end that´s the result.2
May 6, 2017Here is the right side of the wing done, with rivets and polished with finger nail polisher stick, we can compare with the original side on the left.3
May 6, 2017After a visit to the Wernigerode Luftfahrtmuseum, were I could analize the real plane very close, I notice the complete absense in the kit of the landing lights that fold flat in the surface, so here I will recriate that as good as I can4
May 6, 2017The rivets were done all free hand and I think next time I will try to use a ruller to get them more straight, some areas they were a bit too deep and in others almost vanishing, but I gess that´s the way to learn: practice, overall I like the result...5
May 6, 2017After a lot of sanding, polishing, gap and sink marks filling riveting, polishing more. 3 coats of primer with sanding and repairs in between, the gloss coat is done.6
May 6, 2017Airfix have the sprue gate located exatly over the center welding line of the tank, in one of them I maneged to reshape the missing bit but in the other I damaged the surface around, not nice for NMF, so I sanded off completely to add stretched sprue.7
May 13, 2017First color on, mrp super silver metallic8
May 13, 2017I masked some of the black primer to paint them in another shade9
May 13, 2017Second color on, MRP Chrome, I have not maskedked anything, I just removed the masks that protected the black in the previous step10
May 13, 2017The chrome covers very slow and have not much effect overcoating the silver, I can still see clearly the demarcation line if the tape11
May 16, 2017Adding some variation to the metallic surface12
May 16, 2017I used some mr color 8 in the center of the panels of the ailerons and flaps to add a bit of interest in the model13
May 16, 2017Decal madness on the way!14
May 16, 2017We have wheels... and it's not a tail seater, good thing!15
May 17, 2017Airfix haven't provided any way to make the front cover, not even a panel line gap, so I made myself one decal out of the provided "spare decal" using one circular cutter.16
May 21, 2017Finished! it is still reflexive in places under some angles, but without clear coat I run the risk of finger prints and the decals to came off eventualy (when I was masking some areas to retouch the metal finish, chunks of the big "USAF" came right off!17
May 21, 2017I'm afraid of the durability of the finish, After the incidend with the "USAF" decal camming off in the masking tape I was scared to death, thankfuly I repared the damage and so far I have been handeling it with care using latex gloves18
May 21, 2017I placed one order for one alclad ll aquagloss, I'll try it to seal the model, I used Tamiya pannel accent wash for the airelons and flaps only19
May 21, 2017Not much weathering going on, panel lines are already very deep, I'll not "accentuate" them20
May 21, 2017that was a longer road than I was expecting, but I loved the experience.21
May 21, 2017Froom some angles is possible to see the carrier film of the decals, I will try some Alclad ll aquagloss as soon as it arive to see if it can fix the problem...22
May 21, 2017The overall looks convincing to me.23
May 21, 2017The landing lights were improvised, the rivets were done with RB production.24
May 21, 2017The black detail in the front of the nose cutted off from the spare decal really worked well, I used Revell decal soft and hair dryer with a lot of patience it conformed nicely to the surface with minimum wrinkles.25
May 21, 2017The navigation lights on the tip of wings were sanded off early in the building process, I used one blob of 2 part transparent epoxy to recriate that, and I used on top clear green, red and orange in the tail.26
May 21, 2017the machine gun´s pannel was masked and painted with Mr Hobby buffables in a mix of iron and stainless steel, and than buffed to shine27
May 21, 2017Seat from Pavla, had to sand the sides to make it fit,They do also the full interior for this kit, the back of the canopy was improved with some wiring, the "Maj Blenn" should be placed in the frame of the canopy, but obviously there´s no space28
May 21, 2017after painting one thing anoys me: the difference in the rivet's depth, too deep in one wing and vanishing in the other, next time 'll be more carefull using ruller to straight them up and be sure they look consistent troughout the model.29
May 21, 2017real lights as well as the navigation lights were chopped off early in the build process, replaced afterwards for 2 part clear epoxy, here painted over with orange clear from tamiya30
May 21, 2017the landing lights that I created previously in front of the noose landing gear, were painted with Molotow liquid chrome marker and filled with Revell Contacta Clear (similar to micro kristal klear) the tip of pitot tube was replaced for hipodermic needle31
May 21, 2017one lesson learned is that when I atempt to make rivets, I have to be more constant in the pressure and carefull wen sanding it: some areas are deep and in others it almost desapear32
May 21, 2017the resin wheels are realy one welcome improvement over the kit ones. I think now that I could have used some aftermarket pthotoetch for the instrumentation as the canopy is very clear.33
May 21, 2017overall alignment is ok, the shape of the canopy could have been better fron the front section and the frame in the rear botton is far too thin, but worked out nicely.34
May 21, 2017also the ejector seat helped a lot, it is very visible from the canopy, I have removed the internal transparent locator tabs from the clear part because they would be evident later, I chopped them off, sanded and polished, I think I did a good job there.
6 February 2025, 23:51 -
Album info
In this project I will test my Ideas in refining my NMF output, fully riveting, and polishing the textured surface from airfix, bringing the overall look to be less toy-like, let´s see what I can achieve.
I don´t have many construction pictures this time, hope to get it done faster and put the pictures of the result as soon as I can
34 imagini