A-4 Skyhawk Airfix
June 30, 2015why it is upside down?2
June 30, 2015again... sorry guys it is not like this in my album, but you can see the dials on the instrument panel anyway 🙂3
June 30, 2015close pics of the tube finished4
June 30, 2015close pics of the tube finished5
June 30, 2015close pics of the tube finished6
June 30, 2015close pics of the tube finished7
June 30, 2015masking canopy (I hate this) using my special tecnik: I google search for pictures of canopy masks for my plane, than I print in some sises that I feel that is going to work, than I protect the print with a thick transparent tape for boxes, to cut over it8
June 30, 2015some wires going on to represent the brake hidraulic lines9
June 30, 2015standing very well with the pylons in there and primed for the preshading10
June 30, 2015the pilons are not glued yet, by the way, my plane is sharing the same space in the shelf with my daughter´s puzzle :-/11
July 9, 2015Snake eyes primed, painted, faded, washed, dry-brushed, gloss-clear-coated, decalled, flat-clear-coated and then.... Ufa! Finally readY!!!12
July 9, 2015Some preshading going on13
July 9, 2015Looking so nice with the full load hanging under the airframe! I just love this "armed to the teeth" look!14
July 12, 2015I never stop having fun with preshading🙂15
July 12, 2015Time for some nano touch up16
July 12, 2015Masking the threads17
July 12, 2015And painting the wheels18
July 12, 2015Basic paint done, nice light gull gray from AK interactive!19
July 23, 2015one accident with the masking tape and the paint pelled off with primer and everything, I cutted the paint in the panel lines and pelled them off so i can respray it20
July 23, 2015just after I painted the white uper surface, I found some pictures that show that Airfix instruction completely misplaced the panel were the white should be painted21
July 23, 2015that´s how it is supose to be, come'on airfix, a little more research on google and you could had passed without this mistake, it is embarasing....22
July 23, 2015masking on the front wheels (didn´t worked as good as the rear ones...)23
July 23, 2015Panels on the movable surfaces repainted (including the tail), slats in place, wheels and ir´s covers in place, the insignia red painted down...24
July 23, 2015and a nice coat of clar varnish from humbrol clear (exatly the same stuff as the old Klear of Future floor ) ready for decals, God knows how it is going to conform in this vortex details... :-/25
July 24, 2015Ordenance26
July 24, 2015Half of the decals on!27
July 25, 2015seems that airfix decals works well using Revell decal set solution28
July 25, 201529
July 25, 2015and than do the wash, but I am thinking that the panel lines are already very deep and visible, so not pannel line wash is going to be required, maybe some streaking of oils here and there will do30
September 15, 2015Post- shading done using tamiya smoke and some masking tape/ post it sheets, first time doing this31
September 15, 2015Some areas went out little overdone but I'm happy with the overall result32
September 15, 2015It is a tricky technique, it seems that nothing is happening until you, Opps! Overdone....33
September 15, 2015Further weathering using oils and pigments34
March 3, 2016Finally decent pictures of the finished plane, sorry for the delay!35
March 3, 201636
March 3, 201637
March 3, 2016navigation lights was painted silver and than clear red / green from tamiya / gunze, it give to my eyes a much better effect than the kit decals38
March 3, 201639
March 3, 2016the matt varnish I sprayed over the hole model kind of "faded" and "whitened" the vibrant colors, I like the effect, helped to unify the kit so it look less like a toy.40
March 4, 2016lau-10 navy rockets and mk 82 snake eyes, weapons for low altitude atack, the most dangerous possible mission for the scout!41
March 4, 2016the weapons came from hasegawa's weapon set, the internals of landing gear are very detailed! I scrach builded the landing light inside the landing gear door42
March 4, 2016I did this light out of the clear part sprue, I sanded one edge round than sawed with a photoetch razer saw, than I glued, painted it´s rounded back silver, and insignia white on top of it43
March 4, 2016than I putted a drop of clear coad on the clear flat side, and that is the efect you get, a bit of tinny job, very small to be seen, but I don´t know why I love so much to do it... also we can see the efect of tires's tread with the masking tape trick!44
March 4, 2016one Carrier Deck printed to be one base.45
March 4, 2016Some efects from my Iphone 🙂46
March 4, 2016the final one! now, to the next project!!
26 February 2025, 01:41 -
Album info
Trying out a lot of new stuff on this bird! : AK interactive primers and paints Humbrol clear for clear coat instead of future, and vallejo washes, let´s see how they behave.
46 imagini