December 4, 2014undergoing some surgery2
December 4, 2014that´s my first try doing this3
December 4, 2014I think it is gonna work... hopefuly4
December 4, 2014that´s it! let´s paint it!5
December 4, 2014a little less boring with this elevons out of neutral ^_^6
December 4, 2014filling the wheel well with blue tac7
December 4, 2014masks on8
December 4, 20149
December 4, 2014starting the preshade10
December 4, 2014that budged cheap chinese generic airbrush (copy of iwata) is horrible, can´t do fine lines without clog11
December 4, 2014moving on, shading the wood panels12
December 4, 2014looking interesting13
December 4, 2014how this will look under the camo?14
December 4, 2014lower surfaces, starting with overal light misty coat of lifecolor rlm 7615
December 4, 2014keep going, I love the way Lifecolor allows you to do thin even semytransparent layers!16
December 4, 2014little more...17
December 4, 2014that´s it!18
December 4, 2014I still can ssee the "wood work" underneath19
December 4, 2014this is it for the lower surface20
December 4, 2014masking the waves, never done before, let´s bite the bulled... :-/21
December 4, 2014looking funny isn´t it?22
December 4, 2014time for the uper surface23
December 4, 2014lifecolor RLM8224
December 4, 2014starting the RLM81 also from lifecolor25
December 4, 2014atempted camo by freehand, I need to tight up this separation, the airbrush I was working was terrible, I already trew it away in the garbage.26
December 4, 2014the waves need a little correction, but is going to work!27
December 4, 2014metal plates unmasked painted in Revell Aqua 90 "silver"28
December 4, 2014should I paint a stripe over it? by the way, the cammo work now is more convincing but I think the RLM81, the dark green, covered too much the preshading, lessons to learn...29
December 4, 2014Making up... chipping from revell aqua 90 "silver" aplied with a fine brush, and tamiya pigments30
December 4, 2014tamiya pigments "weathering master" works very well!31
December 4, 2014the pin wash was done using tamiya panel line accent, the easyest wash to use!32
December 4, 2014close to my failed first atempt to return to the hobby, I already bought another "Flitzer" to do it properly now! the pitot on the Go 229 was done with medicine needles of different sises, one inside the other, much stronger than the kit´s plastic33
December 4, 2014fish eye! kkkkk ^_^ after that I tryed to glue the canopy and messed up, I had undergone some surgery to correct the problem, I will shoot the final pics of the result soon34
January 7, 201535
January 7, 201536
January 7, 201537
January 7, 201538
January 7, 201539
January 7, 201540
January 7, 201541
January 7, 2015tamiya pigments for the exhaust42
January 7, 2015I hope that people don´t feel offended by the swastica in the plane, I just like historicaly accurate planes, and even wen it is just "what if" , it all adds to the fear factor of the plane in my opinion43
January 7, 201544
January 7, 201545
January 7, 2015I like the freehand camo scheme, will be atempting more in the future46
January 7, 201547
January 7, 201548
January 7, 201549
January 7, 2015
14 March 2025, 14:02 -
Album info
trying funny preshadings...
Revell Horten 229 1/72 done out of the box, painted using Revell acrylics and camo colors from Lifecollor RLM76, 81, 82, satin coat out of Future with some drops of Tamiya mat base
49 imagini