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1:87 Steam Locomotive

Cronologie pentru Zetka (1/01) Paper model Pt47 Steam Engine

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Wydawnictwo WAK
Lipsesc informații
Soviet Ov1 Class (Decapod Models ) BR 57 steam locomotive (DR) (Roco 52603) Steam Locomotive, BR 057 (DB) (Roco 52609) Steam locomotive BR 057 DB (AC Digital Premium) (Brawa 40813) Steam locomotive BR 057 DB (Digital Premium with sound+smoke) (Brawa 40814) Steam locomotive BR 057 DB (AC Digital Premium with sound+smoke) (Brawa 40815) DB class 38 passenger locomotive with Tub-Style tender (Märklin 88998)

Seturile sunt afișate pe cronologie în care sunt completate anul și originea.