Russian Main Battle Tank T-90A
Vespid Models | No. VS720026 | 1:72

- Marca:
- Vespid Models
- Titlu:
- Russian Main Battle Tank T-90A
- Număr:
- VS720026
- Scară:
- 1:72
- Tip:
- Kit complet
- Eliberată:
- 2024 Piese noi
- Cod de bare:
- 4571628227095 (EAN)
- ambalare:
- Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
- Subiect:
- T-72 » Rezervoare (vehicule)
Light green- 134
Dark Yellow, Dark green, Nato black - 221
Light green - 623
Dark Yellow, Dark green, Nato black
Conținutul cutiei
Sprue din plastic (Light gray), Fret fotografiat (Brass), Rasina (3D) (Purple), Frânghie (Steel), Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă) (Multi-colored), Instrucțiuni (hârtie) (Multi-colored)
260x160x50 mm
(10.2x6.3x2 inch)
Cronologie produs
Vespid Models
Nu avem fișele de instrucțiuni exacte, dar le avem pentru:
Descarca 8849Kb (.pdf)
Piata de desfacere
No partner shops available
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Recenzii externe
Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru T-90A (#VS720026) din Vespid Models.

Does anyone know the differences between the T-90A version and the T-90 (Mod. 1992) version?
26 September 2024, 01:09

The major difference lies in the turret... while the initial T-90 (Object 188) was little more than a glorified T-72B growing out of the whole Object 188-buisness, the T-90A variant essentially introduced some more advanched elements to rectify faults recognized early on in the T-90. Main diference is the new welded turret giving enhanced resistance due to improved materials. Fire-control and ammunition-capabilities were also enhanced together with better sights and lastly an improved V-94S2 engine giving about 1000hp. The improvements came along and partly grew out of the Indian T-90 contracts, where the cast turret and 1000hp engine were introduced to the T-90 Bishma... that´s the basics of it, if I remember correctly
1 26 September 2024, 17:20
Material de referință

T-72 MBT Early Models Ural, 72, M and M1
Photo Manual for Modellers No. G069
Frantisek Koran, Tadeusz Machowski, Josef Spurny
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