baza de date de modelare gundam | manager de rezervăBritish Daimler Armoured Car Mk.I with Littlejohn Adaptor
IBG Models | No. 72148 | 1:72

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- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Vedere
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Vedere
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (multi-colored) Vedere
Daimler Armoured Car
Daimler Armoured Car Mk.I
British Army (1660-now)
- 11 Hussars 50512
octombrie 1944 
S.C.C. 2 Khaki Brown - 2 Household Cav. Reg. F207829
octombrie 1944 
S.C.C. 2 Khaki Brown - Inns of Court Reg. 2191
Iulie 1944 - Caen 
S.C.C. 2 Khaki Brown - Inns of Court Reg. F207522 9
Septembrie 1944 
S.C.C. 2 Khaki Brown
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