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Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van

"Egg Girls Steampunk"

Hasegawa | No. 52240 | 1:24

Boxart Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van 52240 Hasegawa


Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van "Egg Girls Steampunk"
52240 (Sunt de asemenea listate ca SP440)
Kit complet
2019 Notificări noi
Cod de bare:
4967834522404 (EAN)
Casetă rigidă (deschizător de vârf)
Volkswagen T1 (1950–1967) » Mașini (vehicule)


Volkswagen T1 (1950–1967)

Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van
JP Civilian

Conținutul cutiei

Sprue din plastic (Brown), Sprue din plastic (Silver), Sprue din plastic (Light gray), Sprue din plastic (Gold), Sprue din plastic (Brown), Sprue din plastic (Clear), Sprue din plastic (Silver), Sprue din plastic (Light gray), Sprue din plastic (Brown), Sprue din plastic (Clear), Sprue din plastic (Gold), Cauciuc (Black), Fișă de calcul (alunecare de apă) (Multi-colored), Instrucțiuni (hârtie) (Black & white)

Contents Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van 52240 Hasegawa

290x190x82 mm (11.4x7.5x3.2 inch)

319 g (0.7 lbs)

Ce este in cutie »

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Nu avem fișele de instrucțiuni exacte, dar le avem pentru:

Volkswagen Type2 Delivery Van (1967)
Hasegawa 1:24
21209 (HC-9) 1997 Instrumentul nou

Descarca 4630Kb (.pdf)

Piata de desfacere

No partner shops available

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Recenzii externe

Nu știm despre niciun comentariu în cutie pentru acest lucru Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van (#52240) din Hasegawa.


Chris Greathouse
Super excited! This kit was finally released to market! I have a shipping code, and it usually takes about 25 days to get imports.
14 December 2019, 01:50
Chris Greathouse
I've gotta play this van like pokemon and gotta catch 'em all!! There's 6 more like this steampunk one (which I have on order) in the series and they're just as awesome as this one. I've found several good buys on eBay. This excites me to think of having a shelf dedicated to a single vehicle series, let alone it being an awesome anime series... Now I have to hunt the most elusive pokemon of all... money 😄 lol

SCM Search: Hasegawa Egg girls*
7 December 2019, 03:44
Bob Hall
 7 December 2019, 04:23
Chris Greathouse Autor
😄 [img1]
 7 December 2019, 04:40
Bob Hall
Lot of those look familiar ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!
 7 December 2019, 05:34
Chris Greathouse Autor
Only a third of them should 😛
 7 December 2019, 05:46
I didn't want to buy this series anymore, but I think the kit should be added to my wish list. 🙂
3 December 2019, 09:04


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Material de referință

Bulli - VW Kleintransporter (Unknown )
VW Bulli: Die Prospekte von 1950 bis heute (Delius Klasing Verlag )

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