WIP Chevy Fleetside
November 7, 2021I will try to lower the suspension on the front end2
November 7, 2021Rear is lowered by 4mm3
November 7, 2021The front of the bed has these ugly openings too4
November 7, 2021So I closed them5
November 7, 2021First steps on the engine6
November 7, 2021Removing the beaded line around the rear wheel well7
November 7, 2021Done8
November 7, 2021Other side as well, but why?9
November 7, 2021That’s why!10
November 7, 2021Starting on getting the cab in one piece. Blue is sprue glue11
November 7, 2021The bonnet is a 4 piece contraption. Will need some effort to get it nice12
November 7, 2021Added a thin rod over the seam line. Makes it more pretty and a bit stronger13
November 7, 2021The front end need some putty14
November 7, 202115
November 7, 2021Spreading the body a bit for a better fit with the rear end16
November 7, 2021Made a bed cover from 0.25mm sheet17
November 7, 2021Added some h-beams for strength18
December 10, 2021Reworked the grill19
December 10, 2021Dry fitting20
December 10, 202121
December 10, 2021All parts cleaned22
December 10, 2021All parts23
December 10, 2021Primer on24
December 10, 2021Primer on25
December 11, 2021Let's give this a go in the airbrush26
December 11, 2021The results are passable. I'll let it cure before a verdict27
December 11, 2021As this paint takes a while to cure (supposedly), I have covered the pieces, while letting enough room for ventilation28
December 12, 2021This looks good!29
December 12, 2021These too30
December 12, 2021Not so good31
December 12, 2021Downright bad32
December 12, 202133
December 13, 202134
December 13, 202135
December 14, 2021The red engine that could?36
December 14, 2021Much better, let’s see after curing…37
December 14, 2021Much better, let’s see after curing…38
December 14, 2021Much better, let’s see after curing…39
December 15, 2021Test by request. The plasticard is 48hrs old sprayed Molotow, slow and heavy. The clamp is 24hrs old, sprayed quick and light repeatedly40
December 15, 2021Masked both with a piece of Tamiya tape41
December 15, 2021After 2 minutes maximum, the tape damages the paint42
December 15, 2021And even after 48hrs, the paint is damaged43
December 18, 2021After sanding44
December 18, 202145
December 18, 2021The exhaust doesn’t fit anymore as the suspension has been lowered46
December 18, 2021Cut it shorter, opened up and dirtied a bit47
December 18, 2021Chassis is place48
December 30, 2021Sprayed 2k clear with my new 0.5 airbrush49
December 18, 2021Wired50
December 18, 202151
December 30, 202152
December 18, 202153
December 30, 2021Too heavy! Orange peel everywhere54
December 30, 2021To take a break from sanding down the peel, I painted some red on the hub caps.55
December 30, 202156
December 30, 2021And did some work on the interior.57
December 30, 2021Sanded and polished. This is as far as I dare to go.58
December 30, 202159
December 31, 2021So I went for the full garish look. Chrome everywhere!60
December 31, 2021This looks nice61
January 1, 2022The bed is all done and closed62
January 1, 2022Some more parts in there63
January 1, 2022She’s rollin’64
January 1, 2022More drivable with a steering wheel65
January 1, 2022The interior needs to go into the cab66
January 1, 2022There’s stuff in the way when trying to fit the body to the chassis67
January 1, 202268
January 1, 2022But it worked!69
January 2, 2022Nearly there70
January 2, 202271
January 2, 202272
January 2, 2022
28 February 2025, 00:07 -