TIE Whisper Interceptor
July 14, 2021Added some sections of 0.4mm rod to give some variation to the wing panels2
July 14, 2021Removed the rear seat and added some bits from the greeblie pile.3
July 14, 2021Also used some scrap styrene to fill holes and add a bit more detail.4
July 14, 2021Added a casting of the front panel, based on the one I modified for the standard TIE Whisper build5
July 14, 2021Cockpit in place - with a Kylo Ren figure made by modifying a FO pilot body and adding a left-over Anakin Skywalker head (originally from a Fine Molds Jedi Starfighter kit, I think)6
July 14, 2021Basic body put together - wing centre pieces just clipped in place for now.7
July 14, 2021New windshield attached - again from a casting made during the standard TIE Whisper build8
July 14, 2021Hull extension put in place - front view9
July 14, 2021Rear view showing hull extensions in place10
July 17, 2021I had painted the wing panels but wasn't happy with the gaps around the inserted ribs - so I had a go at puttying them a bit. Also I wasn't happy with the colour - too warm. I'll have to mix up a new colour later.11
July 17, 2021Dry fits of the wing outer and inner sections showed a gap for one section on each side. A shim was made from scrap styrene, glued in place and trimmed to match the opposite side.12
July 29, 2021Wing panels glued together - some repositioning required as they are a long way from parallel13
July 29, 2021Wing panels repositioned and gaps filled14
July 30, 2021Wing-tip guns glued in place and a coat of black primer on the wings15
July 31, 2021Gaps under the extensions filled with Aves and a coat of interior grey on the transparencies - also used it as a primer to check the filled areas.16
September 11, 2021Main painting completed on all parts and coated with Future ready for weathering17
September 13, 202118
September 13, 202119
September 13, 202120
September 13, 202121
September 13, 202122
September 13, 202123
September 13, 202124
September 13, 2021
2 March 2025, 04:20 -
Album info
This is the ship Kylo Ren flew in Rise of Skywalker. It's based on the Bandai First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter, with the Modelwerks conversion kit.