WIP Revell Polikarpov I-153 Chaika
April 7, 2017The boxart. There is some rigging here, which isn't in the instructions. Do I dare.....2
April 7, 2017The contents of the box3
April 7, 2017The instructions. I like the glossy coloured instructions.4
April 7, 2017Not a lot of paints needed to get the basic look.5
April 7, 2017Not a lot of decals either... Only one version included.6
April 7, 2017There are 2 sprues, which used to be 1 before someone broke it in half to fit it in a box.7
April 7, 2017This is what it used to be, or should be 😉8
April 7, 20179
April 7, 201710
April 7, 2017It seems this is a rebox of a ICM kit. Never done one before, so...11
April 7, 2017The fuselage looks ok. Some nice ingraved details12
April 7, 2017Underside of the wings looks ok too.13
April 7, 2017Some smaller parts14
April 7, 2017Hardly any flash15
April 7, 2017Parts look very good. I expect a shake 'n' bake build. Will it be????16
April 10, 2017Tubular bits for the cockpit put together. Fidgety17
April 10, 2017Driver's seat. Pretty bare.18
April 10, 2017Drilled holes for the rigging.19
April 10, 2017Painted interior of fuselage.20
April 10, 2017Wheel wells as well21
April 10, 2017Interior of the fuselage painted.22
April 10, 2017Painted the engine & bombs Panzergrau. Added some lead pencil for metallic effect.23
April 10, 2017Shamelessly stole Flop_Se's creativity. Drilled some extra holes.24
April 10, 2017Shamelessly stole Flop_Se's creativity. Drilled holes to simulate exhausts.25
April 10, 2017Shamelessly stole Flop_Se's creativity. Drilled holes to simulate exhausts.26
April 18, 2017Tubing painted.27
April 18, 2017Bit too much flash... Seat glued to 'pit floor.28
April 18, 2017Tubing glued to 'pitfloor.29
April 18, 2017Tubing glued to 'pitfloor.30
April 18, 2017Dry fit of fuselage & lower wing.31
April 20, 2017First time ever for pre-shading. Used a permanent marker.32
April 20, 2017Painted underside & some parts Revell 49. Don't see much of the pre-shading....33
April 21, 2017Fuselage & lower wing painted A.Mig-004 Reseda green opt B34
April 21, 2017Upper wing painted A.Mig-004 Reseda green opt B35
April 21, 2017Cowling painted A.Mig-004 Reseda green opt B36
April 21, 2017Did the camo freehand by Airbrush. Colour is a mixture of A.Mig-232 Schwarzgrün & Vallejo 71.057 Black37
April 21, 2017Upper wing & struts glued. Rigging is underway. This kit is tiny, rigging this is **** of a job.Painted the prop. Decided that is like a red spinner better than a black one. She's Russian after all 😉38
April 22, 2017Rigging turned out ok.39
April 22, 2017Decals cut out.40
April 22, 2017Underside.41
April 22, 2017Starboard side42
April 22, 2017Port side43
June 15, 2017Because my wife kills my models faster than I can build them, whilst cleaning, I bought some display cases from Trumpeter. Regretted this immediately, ugly black plastic. So I went a step further and decided to build a dio.... The concrete is AK concrete.44
June 15, 2017I want a long shallow puddle along the concrete. I painted the bottom with Ammo's Russian Brown (020), Russian Tan (021) & Protective Green (023)45
June 15, 2017Made some colour variation with Ammo's PLW Orange Brown (1616), PLW Stone Grey (1615) & PLW Green Brown (1612)46
June 15, 2017Finished the concrete with Ammo's Fresh Engine Oil (1408) & Mig Oil and Grease Stain Mixture47
June 16, 2017Filled the last corner with some grass.48
June 16, 2017Added the Vallejo Transparant Water (26201), mixed with the tiniest drop of Ammo's Light Wood (038) to hopefully get a 'dirty' look.49
June 16, 2017That water gel is hard to get flat. I wonder what it looks like in the morning.....50
June 17, 2017Not exactly what I was looking for. This isn't a puddle, this is light mud. Aaah decisions. Wlli I attempt a salvage operation or just declare this ok?51
June 18, 2017First salvage attempt failed, miserably. Perhaps thinned the 'water'. With too much water. Attempt two to commence shortly.52
June 18, 2017Apply the water then smoothen with a moist/wet flat brush.53
June 18, 2017Gives a reasonable still pond
28 February 2025, 00:15 -
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