Bandai: Nausicaä riding on Kai
February 19, 2025Decisions on colors... I chose 3 Miyazaki illustrations from his watercolors book as my main source choices, instead than the box art (which does not well represent the kit's sculpting choices IMHO). It was a bit surprising how much his choices varied from piece to piece. On top of that, few include Kai and some angles just are just not represented. LOL2
February 19, 20253
February 19, 2025Tried out a 'leather' tone brown from a new Vallejo metal & leather set that was gifted to me. Love the set, but this color did not dry as I expected. LOL This will be revisited!4
February 19, 2025Finally satisfied with the base color for Kai's feathers.5
February 19, 2025That's more like it. 🙂6
February 19, 2025Shadow wash. Will try some light dry brushing later for highlights.7
February 19, 2025Tongue tone 'n' tastebuds with gloss varnish stippled coating for saliva (like I did for my Rhedosaur).8
February 19, 2025Toothpick tip to get the buttons on the bottom of Nausicaa's flight cap flaps.9
February 19, 2025Two-tone leather coming along.10
February 19, 202511
February 19, 2025Test-fitting legs, torso & head12
February 19, 2025Accessories are coming along.
28 February 2025, 04:42 -