August 30, 20242
August 30, 20243
August 30, 20244
August 30, 20245
August 30, 2024overall, putting together this kit was easy peasy, not even gonna comment on that.6
August 30, 2024Here goes the character of (young) Rei Ayanami7
August 30, 2024assembled and together with the MechatroWeGo8
August 30, 20249
August 30, 202410
August 30, 202411
August 30, 202412
August 30, 2024After the first pass of white primer I realised that the surface needed to be washed better...13
August 30, 202414
August 30, 2024while the eyes were supplied as a decal, I decided to paint them by hand.15
August 30, 2024some putty to fill in some glaring gaps in the hair line16
August 30, 2024body painted17
August 30, 2024finished figure18
August 30, 202419
August 30, 202420
August 30, 202421
August 30, 2024as these are areas that are quite evident, I decided to sand them off and remove the seam line as much as possible22
August 30, 202423
August 30, 202424
August 30, 202425
August 30, 202426
August 30, 202427
August 30, 2024finished whole set28
August 30, 2024Let's add a decent base (since I just got a fitting display case)29
August 30, 2024primed with white styrofoam primer the base that I just carved with a toothpick and gave a basic texture with some aluminum foil ball30
August 30, 2024created a container with styrene sheets31
August 30, 2024surprised how much this was a snug fit32
August 30, 2024now black primer on it to give depth33
August 30, 2024dry-brushing with some white paint34
August 30, 2024and seeing how it looks before moving forward35
August 30, 2024I used some paper mask to colour some of the tiles a slightly different colour, using a highly diluted light blue in this case36
August 30, 2024some final touches by lightly airbrushing some coats of yellowish-white colour and adding some sand in the cracks to give a bit of realism to it37
August 30, 2024painting the trims black38
August 30, 2024the stumps I added will allow the character to stay on their feet (literally) without falling when moving it around39
August 30, 2024done 🙂40
August 30, 2024
4 30 August 2024, 22:46