T-55 AM2BDDR Medium TankTakom | No. 2057 | 1:35Projetos9 imagensAfrican Union T-55 AM2B1:35Projeto: T-55 AM2B8 imagensEast German Army T-55 AM2B1:35Projeto: East German Army T-55 AM2B18 imagens03 Finished1:35Projeto: T-55 AM2B10 imagensBulgarian AFV during Cold War:T-55AM "Kladivo"1:35CompletedProjeto: Bulgarian AFV during Cold War:T-55AM "Kladivo"56 imagensTakom T-55 AM2B - Paint1:35Second times a charm... All primed and ready to balls it up again... ? ? Projeto: Takom T-55 AM2B17 imagensT-55 AM2B - Czechoslovak army1:35Projeto: T-55 AM2B - Czechoslovak army