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Lockheed Martin F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018

31st Sqn. Kleine Brogel

Revell | No. 03860 | 1:72

Boxart F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018 03860 Revell


13 imagens
F-16AM Fighting Falcon, Romanian Air Force, 1:72 RevellView album, image #1
1:72 F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018 (Revell 03860)1:72 F-16 Fighting Falcon - Pitot Tube & Angle of Attack Probes (Master AM-72-008)1:72 F-16AM-BM in Romanian Service (ModelMaker D72097)6+
20 imagens
F-16 collection progressView album, image #1
1:72 Lockheed F-16 B twin seater (Revell 04355)1:72 Lockheed F-16 MLu (Revell 04612)1:72 General Dynamics F-16 Klu (Revell 4434)9+
9 imagens
BAF 31 Sqn Tigermeet 2018View album, image #1
This was my inspiration to test the feasibility to combine the Revell and Tamiya kits to cobble together the panultimate...
1:72 F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018 (Revell 03860)1:72 F-16CJ [Block 50] Fighting Falcon (Tamiya 60788)1:72 F-16MLU Fighting Falcon - Wheel Bays (CMK 7471)5+
1 imagens
1/72 Airfix Lockheed Martin F-16C BarakView album, image #1
1:72 Lockheed Martin F-16A Fighting Falcon (Airfix A55312)1:72 F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018 (Revell 03860)
3 imagens
F-16D+ Fighting Falcon (PAF)View album, image #3
Reference photo of the subject
1:72 F-16 MLU Tiger Meet 2018 (Revell 03860)