WW2 German Tank Mounted 7.92mm MG-34 Barrel+ cooling JacketRB Model | No. 35B39 | 1:35Projetos10 imagensSd.Kfz.171 Panther A WIKING1:35Projeto: Sd.Kfz.171 Panther A WIKING "SOFIE"7+15 imagensTiger I Afrika1:35Projeto: Tiger I Initial Production Afrika1+17 imagensPzKpfw II ausf.D1:35Projeto: PzKpfw II ausf.D - 1939 "Fall Weiß"1+12 imagensSturmtiger 1:35Projeto: Sturmtiger1+7 imagensTiger I1:35Projeto: Tiger I Early Production10 imagensSd.Kfz. 182 Anneliese1:35Projeto: Sd.Kfz. 182 Anneliese60 imagensChasing the frontline1:35Projeto: Sd. Kfz. 2222+5 imagensJagdpanther G11:35Projeto: Jagdpanther G1 Early Production w/Zimmerit & Schwerer Plattformwagen Type SSys10 imagensTiger I mid production1:35Projeto: Tiger I mid production2+16 imagensSd.Kfz.222 DAK1:35Projeto: Sd.Kfz.222 DAK19 imagensPanzer II Ausf. A, France 19401:35Projeto: Panzer II Ausf. A, France 19404+10 imagensPanzer II1:35The Bronco tracks make the Tamiya tracks look clunkyProjeto: Tamiya Panzer II DAK4+17 imagensCase Blue: across the Don steppe1:35Projeto: Case Blue: across the Don steppe16+8 imagensPz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L Tp1:35Projeto: Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. L Tp3+11 imagensDragon Mk IV #63631:35Projeto: Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G1+