Shelby Cobra 427 S/C
July 21, 2018Dry fit to see what's what2
July 21, 20183
July 21, 20184
July 21, 2018I wanted to have a clean look so I'll close this holes and not go for any bumper5
July 21, 2018closing the bumper holes on the back as whell, with some stretched sprue and sprue glue6
July 21, 2018testing some striping tecniques7
July 21, 2018oppening the hole for this air exits, I'll scratch build them later8
July 21, 2018marking the cutting area9
July 21, 2018saving a template for the scratch build10
July 21, 2018building a box for the area for scratch build later11
July 21, 2018drilling a hole12
July 21, 201813
July 21, 2018This hole looks too thick, I have to thin it down from inside a bit.14
July 21, 2018I´m thinking in using this figure close to the car, looks nice to me 😉15
July 21, 201816
July 21, 20181/24 figure from Master Box17
July 21, 2018priming and painting18
July 21, 2018using tamiya X-1319
July 21, 201820
July 21, 2018base color painted21
July 21, 201822
July 21, 201823
July 21, 2018The fine stripes are done with 0,3 tape, the finest that I could find, did I ever mentioned how much I hate masking?...24
July 21, 2018But I do love to unmask, specially if what I did went right!25
July 21, 2018I found the gide for the stripes with the pin stripe on the side, the kit one are all paralell, looks wrong to me.26
July 21, 2018now, send down the jaged edges of the wite borders and prepare for clear coat27
July 21, 2018I also took the oportunity to paint the continuation of the stripe in the lower front of the car, there where no decals for this area.28
July 21, 2018the proportions of the stripes looks good to me, I folowed the directions found on internet.29
July 21, 2018a bit of scenary composing....30
July 21, 2018That´s the result after the gloss coat, it had 2 very light layers and than one heavy coat, there are some orange peel, but it is kind of consistent troughout the model, but it is ok, I'll take care of them with light wet sending and polishing.31
July 21, 2018I have used Mr. Color GX112, it is easier to handle than the tamiya gloss clear and dries a bit harder and faster, the stripes have been sended lightly to remove the jaged edge resulted by the masking tape and now all is burried under the clear coat32
July 21, 2018I´m going to compare with the result after the sanding and polishing steps, I kinda like the orange peel but it is hard to get it the same in every place, I dont like the idea to build up thick layers of gloss to hide them, it makes the model look toylik
20 February 2025, 02:13 -