BAe Hawk T.1 Red Arrows
May 13, 2016I don´t have pictures from the start of the process, here I was taking care of joints and preparing them for the final primer2
May 13, 2016here we can see the cockpit, the Revell offers one very good and well detailed interior, much better than the Airfix (just look to those ejector seats right off the box!)3
May 13, 2016instrument panel have raised details, I used the decals over it and soaked up setting solution, althoug they do not align correctly, the missmach will not be so visible once the canopy is closed, and the 3d effect is nice.4
May 13, 2016for livig it open I whould had more care and placed the gauges one by one like I have done with the Rafale.5
May 13, 2016the seats have very nice details and the harnesses molded in, the bulkhed have a lot of fine details on it, but the assembly demands care, parts need cleaning and ajust, dryfit is a must here.6
May 13, 2016The pilot came from the Airfix Skyhawk, with some modifications in the legs and some epoxy in the but (it came with one cut out for fit in the Airfix seat), after some painting in the Red Arrows style it is ready to go.7
May 13, 2016The pilot could have better details on it, it is quite soft but will do the trick.8
May 13, 2016I don´t have to paint the boots, nobody will see it, the air intakes needs a lot of sanding to make it flush, here I don´t care too much about the pannellines, you can barely see them in the real airplane.9
May 13, 201610
May 13, 2016in position, and ready to glue the canopy11
May 13, 2016details are still visible12
May 13, 2016I have removed the aerials to allow me better sanding situation to make the surface as smoth as possible, I marked the outline in a fine plastic card, than I cutted them in shape and replaced the originals with this ones that are much thinner13
May 13, 2016once the surface is smoth I glued back the aerials, it is even possible to look it´s reflex in the buffed surface of the fuselage! 🙂14
May 13, 2016canopy masked, I hate masking but this one was't very complicated15
May 13, 2016all primed with Mr. Surfacer 1000 thinned with Tamiya Lacquer thinner, ready for the Tamiya mix of red and orange16
May 13, 2016paint done, not as smoth as I wanted it to be...17
May 13, 2016this Paint never see to dry completly, if I grab it for too long, I get fingerprints on the surface even after one week from the process, I have been polishing it to remove the fingerprits, but I have to wear gloves all the time18
May 13, 2016ready for decals19
May 13, 2016decals done in this side, the ones around the intakes are realy triky to deal! my softeners are not very strong on this decals, (revell decal soft and Mr hobby Decal soffter) demands several passes20
May 13, 2016in the lower part, I held wheel covers in place during the painting and decaling, also the details on the wing was painted in separate and after the decals they was glued in position and the wheel covers were removed, cutting the decals with hobby knife21
June 5, 2016it is easy to spot the difference. realy one litle big improvement22
June 5, 2016so that´s the only aftermaket used in this model, the Master Model AM 72 02023
June 5, 2016just for comparison, that´s how the original pitot tube from the box looks like24
June 5, 2016I decided to chop it off, drill a hole and wait for the replacement to come25
June 5, 2016now finished, all the aerials painted black, small details glued, pitot tube im position and landing gears on26
June 5, 2016here is possible to see the treads in the tire that was simulated by the masking tape trick, very happy with that! the pitot tube was painted with Vallejo Metalizer dark aluminium27
June 5, 2016I used panel line washes only were it is supose to be one empty hole, the ailerons and the tail, the only dirty area of this plane that I could spot in pictures was the hole on top of the fuselage28
June 5, 2016I need to get one better display base for my jets, this grass that I made for my WWII is not working... 🙁29
June 5, 2016the smoke pipes are in position on the tail, I had one acident with the provided diesel tank that was supposed to be in the centerline, so I decided to move on and finish without it
20 February 2025, 02:19 -
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Experimenting glossy work, the only adiction will be some hipodermic needle for pittot tube and one airfix pilot, all the rest will be out of the box.