1 27 April 2015, 10:56

Che bello !!!!! (in italian 😄 ) Really good job, I like it very much 😉
27 April 2015, 15:01

👍 super geworden! Toll gemacht und die Figuren sind stimmig!
27 April 2015, 16:31

Unbelievably accurate and clean Work and paintjob ! The figures look amazing !
27 April 2015, 18:13

Wow nice man. Looks like it's ready to strike. Figures are also very well done 👍
27 April 2015, 18:53

Ah, endlich in voller Pracht. Dein "Rasen" ist ein passender Hintergrund. Aber echt fein. Gratuliere.
27 April 2015, 18:57

Wow, this looks excellent!👍
The scene is living although there are not several maintenance hatches open and disturb the elegance of the plane - I like it very much!
28 April 2015, 05:36

Thanks for your nice comments, mates!
Dietmar: das ist das Feld vom Nachbarn 😉
Es-haq: the boarding pilot is from PJ Production, the other from Revell and the maintenance guys from Esci/Italeri.
28 April 2015, 06:18

Stunning diorama Harry, impressive in 72 scale. Where did the pilot and crew come from?
28 April 2015, 11:22

Thanks Andrew! The boarding pilot is from PJ Production, the second from Revell and the crew is from Esci/Italeri
28 April 2015, 12:28

Thanks Harry for the quick response. Once again great work on the F-16
29 April 2015, 10:09