The Drydock
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First of all the resin parts got a bath in silicone remover and later with dish liquid. Then I adjusted the parts and ensured a proper fit. Alongside a metal bar I glued them together with gel superglue. As there were still some minor gaps I used liquid superglue and let it flow into them. Now I had a very strong joint of the resin parts. The gaps still not filled with the superglue were closed with plaster and sanded over. To control my filling and sanding work I sprayed a layer of a Gunze colour over the joints.
In generall I will use some old Gunze colours as a primer as these colour adhere superb to any kind of resin surface (if they are cleaned very well before).
I also placed the hull parts of the Knox-Class Frigate I will later show in the drydock scene to get an imagination of how this dio will turn out.
I painted one of the seaside ends in the basic colour of XF-53, too.
In the next step I airbrushed the drydock in the basic colour XF-53 and immediately afterwards shading the corners by adding some d